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  1. Gonzalez

    InXile joinins the Microsoft family

    Here Brian Fargo Himself explains it. I certainly feel a deep dichotomy about this. I think I'm scared. I backed Wasteland 3 with a hefty sum. As long as that game releases unhindered then that's all I care.
  2. Gonzalez

    How much have you f*cked it up?

    Ok, so, what have been your worse f*ck ups of recent or that you remember? One that gets the end credits from Curb Your Enthusiams rolling kind of f*ck up. I'll start by mine, and then you can judge how big or rather insignificant you think it is (and then post your own as an example). This is...
  3. Gonzalez

    Just before the reds were the baddies

    Early post war film about german occupation by the US. Before the paranoia turned towards the Soviets. Beware of the Germans!
  4. Gonzalez

    Twin Peaks

    Anyone watching the new season? Anyone watched any previous seasons/Fire Walk With Me? If there is something that can be said about Twin Peaks is that there is nothing else like it out there, specially this last season. So if you are bored of the same old cookie cutter crap then this might be...
  5. Gonzalez

    Any wargamers here? (New Fallout miniatures wargame)

    There is a new Fallout miniatures wargame called Fallout: Wasteland Warfare Just thougth wargamers who are interested in the Fallout universe should know. It seems to be based on Fallout 4 lore.
  6. Gonzalez

    So, tell us about yourself.

    I just realized how little I actually know about many of you with whom I sustained long debates with in the past. So, tell us about yourself, at least as much as you think is safe, please dont give us your social security number. I'll start. Some of you already know much of this, but some have...
  7. Gonzalez

    Patagonia Rebelde

    Several times I've been asked about my nation's political and economic history, mostly to understand where my views in such matters come from. I think this movie describes the continuous fight that has plagues my nation to this very day, between the intrests of the working classes (immigrants...
  8. Gonzalez

    Argentinean Intervention

    For those of you complaining about my nationalism, just be thankful most of you are from far away Europe and you don't actually have to be our neighbors... :P
  9. Gonzalez

    Are you still scared by horror movies/do you enjoy HM's?

    In my case, scarcely, but every now and then... I find a good one. I post this because surprisingly I found out a lot of my friends wich whom I thought I had a lot in common expressed to me that they are not interested in horror movies and that at most they made them laugh. I remember I used...
  10. Gonzalez

    Batman is sad :(

    Don't know how many of you have seen this, but apparently a lot of people did. Just look at what you did, critics... You made Batman sad... Shame on you...
  11. Gonzalez

    Shares in a U.K. oil company with interests in the Falklands have slumped

    HA! If anything we've now hit you in your pockets. And with the oil prices so low and the extraction in the area so expensive, those oil explorations will be a total fiasco. Keep refusing to negotiate, we'll eventually get the islands back either way anyway.
  12. Gonzalez

    Life after death thread

    I'll start it with an article (yes, I'm bored today and been reading much stuff in the internets), but don't feel limited to just discussing the article, feel free to share your own oppinions, you know, like philosophical existentialism and such. First hint of 'life after death' in biggest ever...
  13. Gonzalez

    Massive detonation in Yemen

    The theories go from a small nuclear detonation, a neutron bomb, a MOAB to it just being the detonation of an overpopulated munitions/bombs depot. I still couldn't find one single explanation in which that everyone agrees on. Any ideas?
  14. Gonzalez

    Now this explains a lot...

    Yeah, I know, RT propaganda. Or perhaps you say that because of your bias? :D This sure would explain a lot of threads here in NMA
  15. Gonzalez

    The Shock Doctrine

    Recent political events in my nation made me review this documentary. It sure does give a rundown of some of the views you have seen me share in these forums over the years.
  16. Gonzalez

    Twelve not allowed angry mutants

    I think I just realized why I like this movie so much, it reminds me of our political/social discussions in our beloved General Discussion Forum. At one point or another during this movie I can identify myself and other fellow posters in the characters, sometimes changing from character to...
  17. Gonzalez

    Vault-113 IC

    Overseer: "We got a problem, a big one, our water purification system has failed last night, we don't have th necessary spare parts to repair it, and process is to complicated for a workaround system. I've considered to open the vault and let people out, to start over on the outside with the...
  18. Gonzalez

    Vault-113 OOC

    From the vault computer records "Vault project objectives": Conversation between Vault 113 Overseer and Security Chief in October 2278: Please post you character sheets in the following format: The bio section probably is the more important one, here you get to descibe who your character...
  19. Gonzalez

    Cyberwar live

    A vision friendly real time map of the ongoing cyberwar that occurs evey second of every day without us even thinking about it Some say this cyber warfare could be as dangerous (or even more some say) than nuclear warfare, as it could target public services, like water...
  20. Gonzalez

    La llorona

    "La llorona" is a myth of popular culture in Argentina, the spirit of a crying woman who wanders in isolated country roads in the middle of the night scaring the living shit of unsuspecting travelers with her loud cry. On 2015 Dakkar a video appeared where suppossed Dakkar participants had an...