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  1. A

    Healing powder

    While I was doing the temple of trials, I wondered, how is healing powder used? Do you eat it, or rub it onto the wounds? Or because it lowers your perception, do you just throw the stuff into your eye sockets? Or possibly another way...
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    Most Creatively Evil thing done in Fallout

    Pretty self explainatory. After a beating the game a few times being the good guy, I played as a bad guy a few times. Then I started getting into the mindset of one character, and found myself doing creative-evil things. Must be created, can't be killed children, has to be something like...
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    Where the crap do I edit the header files?

    Ok, finaly, after reading Daniel Sjöblom's scripting and dialog tutorials, as well as premade scripts, i managed to cop-tag together a script, problem is im using macros, need to create a header file for them, buuuut, i cant find where the crap the header file are. And i looked through most of...
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    Error on placing cities on map.

    Alright, after trying many times to understand it, while using Coljack tutorial for adding locations to the world map, one thing continues to confuse me, The "YourMap_Entrance" , I dont know what the hell this is for, do doesn't explain it int he tutorial. First and last lines confuse...
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    Temporary allies

    Ok, im making a rather large and ambitus map, unfortunaty im not too great at scripting (Best I can do is put proximity scripts on stuff) and After looking through about 150 scripts (after which my eyes had trouble focasing and stuff) I could not find any scripts fthat would be a good template...
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    Big scripting question

    Im trying to make scripts, but there being few resources for instruction, after a month of work on a few extensive maps, I need some help with the scripting. 1.) How would I make it so a computer will open a set of doors when used. Also, how do I make the doors auto close after the character...
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    Mapper98c, ah hell

    Ok, I'm using a mapper I downloaded on this site (not the official) to modify and create maps for the original fallout engine, unfortunatly, the creator is russian, and so is his site. I have no idea how the hell to change scripts or create new ones with it, I personaly dont think i can, but...