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    Technological Evolution

    Well, it has been quite awhile since I started a post on NMA, but this is a question I am curious to see how people respond to. I have for several years been keenly interested in the development of a movement known as 'transhumanism'. Thus novement among other things seeks to advocate for the...
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    Breaking News: Idiot Whines About Being Fat to Doctor

    Just another friendly reminder of the sordid world we live in; where fat jokes can be cause for a lawsuit.
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    Recently, I had an incident come up while working that I thought might be suitable as a thread. First, one must understand that I try to esteem such "archaic" things as honour and integrity very highly, whatever one's politica/religious/social beliefs. Now, I also have a great deal of...
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    I Am Losing Faith in Humanity

    Tell me, tell me true, what nobility is left in spent humanity? What is there worth fighting for in a race of abject slaves to ideology and doctrine, serving a cruel and malevolent God? Where is the love and concern for our fellow suffering souls on this path, that we should give up freedom to...
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    Wake Up Thread

    Ok guys...we seriously need to take account of what roleplay threads are actually still active, and who are in them. I mean, waiting a week between posts is rather silly, and there are way too many good ideas floating out and around here that never had a chance to get off the ground. So...
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    Roma Victor

    Well, today I was looking over the jolt forums, and found this interesting MMORPG concept. I was a bit curious if anyone knew anything about it, beyond what the official website will give me. It looks like a great idea, but is it feasible and such? So far, it says they are looking at...
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    Foreign Language

    For those who frequent Euroland: What is the generally prevalent language? I am somewhat at a crossroads, as I wish to take a somewhat useful foreign language. Having tried and failed miserably at Chinese, I was thinking about taking German. Is German worth it, as a second language in...
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    Halflife 2 or Vampire: Bloodline?

    From the people who own one or the other...which is the better buy (I have a gift certificate and obviously will buy one or the other)? I'm usually more the big RPG fan, but I really enjoyed the first Half-life 2. Also, does Steam have to be working in order to play it?
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    Is it impossible to be a Democratic officer anymore?

    Well, inspired by certain...heady...debates on here, I thought the question was pertinent. Has the military become too politicized? Now, as a ROTC cadet I dont presume to understand the nuances of military culture, nor to offer "expert" debate on the subject. However, I do know from certain...
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    A Question on Downs Syndrome

    Inspired by the debate on the God Gene: If Down's Syndrome is caused by an extra chromosome, how does this affect mental retardation usually symptomatic of the disease? What does the additional chromosome do/block? If anyone knows and is welling to inform me, I would be most appreciative.