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  1. S

    New critter uploaded: Waste Bot.

    Hello there. Here you go my latest project, a kind of post-industrial robot. Consider it to be a snippet of the work that we're doing for BGE. This bot is meant to be a maintenance/non military generic purpose bot, so it does not use any weapon. Linky...
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    Original sprite editor.

    Hello there. A quick question: does anybody know what tool was used to center critters frames in the original game? Odds are it was a custom tool, but you never know... Frame Animator is fine, but it lacks some flexibility. I really miss a zoom feature and I could really use the ability to...
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    New critters sound (again...).

    Hi there. I'm working on a new critter and got the usual sound problem again. This time I wasn't prepared about it though: I simply edited one of the existing human NPCs to use my custom sprites. So, what's the problem now? Does the engine read the .FRMs names? I know that the original .FRMs...
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    Critters size and PC protos... ?!?

    O.k, a couple of questions: A): I made two critters for BGE which are causing troubles. They're huge critters, approximately the size of a deathclaw. The huger one crashes the mapper as soon as I hit f8, the smaller crashes it when I try to attack. I noticed that deathclaws/brahmins and other...
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    New critter uploaded.

    (provided I actually managed to upload the thing...) Ladies and gentlemen here you are Freewheeling Andy MkII. This new bot features full unarmed, pistol and club animation sets. The three critters you see on the left are ongoing projects, so stay tuned for more. Enjoy. [/URL][/img]
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    New critter -Trouble with kl animation (flamer shot)*Solved*

    I have a ready new critter for the Fallout: BG&E tc. The creature is supposed to breathe fire, just like a fire gecko. I gave it the kl animation just like the fire gecko (which misses the big guns dodge animation - odd). The point is I can give my new critter both the gecko breath weapon and a...
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    Happy new year.

    Hi there folks. For me this last year sucked a** under all point of views... I really hope the next one will be better... Have a happy, happy new year all you out there.
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    Have a Merry Christmas, NMA.

    Would you believe this? This is a Merry Cristmas post... Seriously, have a Merry Christmas and a Happy new year all you folks out there. Registered users and lurkers alike. Cheers.
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    New critter uploaded (Vol.II)

    Ladies and gentleman we did it again. I just uploaded my second critter. This one has four animation sets: unarmed, big guns, minigun, hammer. This project was a cohoperation between Wild_Qwerty and me (if you browse the forums you already know this...). Screens tomorrow, as usual. (For...
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    New critter sound problem.(*solved*)

    Hi there. I'm slowly fixing .frm troubles. I stumbled upon something new, though: Fo2 engine crashes when my newest bot tries to perform some animations. I get the following error message (always the same): strlen ( sfx_file_name) == 8, file..\game\gsound.c, line1368. The critter can stand...
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    *Armed* stand idle .FRMs hopping.

    I'm testing the animations for my second critter. There's one strange thing going on. When I place my armed bot on the map the frm isn't centered. As soon as I hit f8 and the standing idle animation is performed for the first time the .frm hops and gets into place. After that the critter behaves...
  12. S

    Walking .FRM frames alignement: aaarghhh.

    Question for Wild_Qwerty or whom ever who knows: I'm making the walk .frm for a two legged critter. I added a whole animation with the first aa frame at the end and beginning of the chain. It jumped and looked slidy (the bot feet slided on the ground). I reopened the .frm and used the del...
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    New critter uploaded.

    Ladies and gentleman, I did it. Freewheeling Andy is online and at your disposal (as soon as the Administrators check the file). Andy (a one-wheeled robot) is my first attempt to produce some serious game arts. Thanks to Wild_Qwerty and Lisac2k for theyr help and assistance. Thanks to Joschua...
  14. S

    Cyclone: the car of the future!

    This model is based upon the 1942 Studebaker concept Cyclone. This is not a real sample of my production, it's more like a lucky shot. It's made with Anim8or and rendered with Poser5. Feedback and advices are higly welcome. See you.
  15. S

    New critter sound and targeted shot frm

    I'm testing my new robot in the mapper: I noticed it does not make any sound when moving, unlike the original ones. The critter proto in the mapper has no sound option, and apparently there's no such thing in the proto itself... At least judging from Smackrazor's modding guide. Is it hardcoded...
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    Critter frames offsets (solved?!?)

    I'm working on a new critter, and I already managed to put together a few test animations. The point is the offset of the very first frame in a given chain: following frames DO NOT get properly aligned. As far as I can understand the reason lies in the different frame size. I make renders of...
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    My main screen. Advice needed (pic inside)

    This render shows all my lack of skill. I know many of you folks deal with graphics in a serious way: I need your criticism and advice. So, without further ado:
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    My experiments wit Anim8or, Vol.II. Your opinions and advice

    My latest achievement in 3d modeling... ...and now the the actual 2D result in a game I'm modding... :lol: Now, I have a few troubles with my tools... Anim8or is simple to use, but it's mostly a surface editor: no boolean subtractions, no nurbs and so on. In addiction to this not...
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    Scenery spawned via script

    I'm using this piece of code to spawn "flaming" barrels (the first scenery obj in the mapper): create_object(33554433,17903,0); It does work, but some of the barrels spawn without flames, and don't emit much light, if any.... Is there anybody else spawning scenery via script? Did this...
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    Problems with new light source

    I need to destroy a huge amount of light sources at a given time in my town... Attaching the same script to the regular ones kinda crashes the mapper, when i do it MANY times in a row. I made a new source with built in script, but I have this trouble: If I use the "block" art I can't see it...