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    Best mod to play Fallout 1 again?

    Hi I didn't pay much attention to FO1 regarding mods, but now as I would like to play it again I would like to know what the best mod would be a replay FO1. Is there something similar for FO1 what UP & RP do for FO2?
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    Installing Fallout Tactics

    That there is no sticky for this is strange, getting this old stuff running again isn't easy. Anyhow, I was coming back to this after a long time and couldn't get it installed, all toying with compatibility settings like WinXP, run as admin, etc. didn't bring any success, the setup was still...
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    Fallout 3 - Volume too low

    I thought I had the sound problems behind me but after installing the new Zoom Player 8 that also installed some additional and updated codecs the Radio stutter was there again, this time I had to disable another codec to get rid of it but the other thing that appeared after ZP installation was...
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    Radio music stutters

    Hi Just installed Fallout 3 GOTY edition and so far it tuns fine but the music(only the music) of the radio stations sounds totally distorted, now the funny part, the only thing that helps is when I drop back to windows desktop and within a second the music runs just fine. So does anyone have...
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    Fallout 3 GOTY, Unofficial Patch?

    Hi I would like to know if an unofficial Patch for the GOTY edition of FO3 exists. Not sure if such patch is needed but I would like to make sure that the game is fixed to the max.
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    100% load for one Core?

    Can anyone explain me why Fallout 2 gives one(AMD Phenom 2 X4 955 BE) of my cores 100% load? Anyway to turn it down?
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    Unofficial Patch?

    I wonder if there is any mod the focuses on fixing bugs etc.(if there are still some left) like Killap did it for FO2. I have the GOTY Edition patched to 1.7
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    Complete weapon & item list?

    Is there somewhere a complete weapon & item list(waepon only would also be OK)? I found some lists here & there but all seem to host just some stuff not all.
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    Citizens Encounter

    Just had the Citizen Encounter(those ghost who walk over the map). Does anyone know something about it because I just can't find any info about it. Not even in guides any of the guides.
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    Ammo values - What do they mean and how do they work?

    How does AC mod, DR mod and Dmg Mod exactly work? Guess AC is Armor Class and DR Demage Resitance and know how they work on armour but how do they work on ammo? And what about Dmg Mod? For example the 14 mm ammo : AC mod: 0 DR mod: -50 Dmg Mod: 1/2 So does it mean that the damage that...
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    Klamath Canyon, anything useful in it?

    Guess I made a mistake when walking into the canyon and then out again without killing the bot and searching the bodys. I came back later and killed the bot but no bodys there. Is there anything useful in them(besides the yellwo key card)? Or just random stuff?
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    Fallout Tactics in a similar situation like FO 1 & FO2?

    I would like to know if Fallout Tactics is in a similar situation like FO1 & FO2. Both FOs are still bugy after latest patch and both have a lot stuff that didn't make it into the game, is it the same with FT?
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    Gain skill points by using skill?

    When I remember correctly you can gain skill points when using a skill. Is there a system behind it or does it happen randomly? Anyway of raising the chance for getting skill points this way?
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    Question about the music files

    Can anyone tell me how high the bitrate is on the ACM files that come with the game are? Just thought about downloading the mp3 files but looks like they're only in 128, so i thought about converting them myself from ACM to MP3 but if the ACM themselves don't provide a higher bitrate I can...
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    Need save file for The Enclave

    Long time ago I played Fallout 2 almost thru. Now I want to finish it but my save files or gone(lost in a crash). Can anyone provide me with a save file that brings me to The Enclave? Don' tknow were I was exactly but I know that I was in a big room with turrets. Save files does need to be...