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  1. F

    new pc build problem

    I have been making pc's for awhile, and this is a problem i just am not getting at all. Ill explain. I built a new pc for my brother, and bought a new video card to replace mine (replacing a 4890 for a 6950) and when i took out the 4890 it was working great still. built a pc for my bro and...
  2. F

    Phones and there operating systems...

    I just recently switched from from my flip phone to a sony ericsson xperia arc (3 months ago), and its pretty good. android is prety much identical to the iphone and there operating system, other than the fact iphone you have to pay alot more for apps. my best friend has an iphone and most apps...
  3. F

    Intel to AMD: Your x86 License Expires in 60 Days

    Interesting news article i found here at tomshardware. Amd then Says Intel is in Breach. Intel Tells Us Why AMD is Wrong. I can only wonder whats going to happen...
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    Three headed frog How does it live like that?
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    Ogrebattle 64

    Used to play it years back when it first came out, started playing it again and i strongly feel it was the best game n64 made. Its its own genre of game, well at least it was the first of its kind that i remember and it is a kickass game, and its cartoony gfx are really good. Did anyone else...
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    Cant find frm...

    this one in the backround anyone know where i can find this frm?
  7. F

    What kind of weapons do you want to see in F3?

    1. More sci fi weapondry (New energy weapons and unheard of guns/melee, basically no reallife weapons) 2. More realistic (guns/melee you would find in reallife but also with some laser, plasma, pulse weapon, kinda like the way fallout tactics weapondry was going minus the ww2 era weapons)...
  8. F

    GCD files help

    Is there any other way to chnage the gcd files setting/attributes without an hexeditor? I already found a tutorial how to do it with a hexediter but I... am not fond of hexediting Anyone know of a different, easy way or do I have to bite the bullet on this one?
  9. F

    Whats your gaming rig...

    I used to use an old amd k2 300mhz, with a voodoo 3 2000 16mb video card (great card for it being 6 years old... never let me down) until 2 months ago... This is what I got now TYPE: Custom built by me :) CASE: Sidewinder (got 2 120mm fans for intake, outtake and another 2 80mm fans blowing...
  10. F

    m60 sound

    Anyone know the m60 default sfx name thingy :) ex rifle is 'wah' and minigun is 'wal' and a shotty burst is war2xxx1... know what I mean? I cant seem to find it and its making me not happy
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    Finesse Realistic Weapons Mod

    I am on the process of a weapons mod for f2 changing like 90% of the original weapons and ammo with real life weapons, ammo... The energy guns will mostly be brought in from fallout tactics. I will also be changing the most of the weapon sfx to fallout tactics sfx because they sound more...
  12. F

    SFX Prob

    I changed the sfx noises of some guns and some of them worked except for the bursts... and the thing is that it would still play the old sfx noise even though it doesnt even exist! Does the new sfx sounds have to be smaller or equal in lengh/size to run? If not I do not know what I am doing...