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  1. F

    Tigger fights back!!!!!

    Check this out: Clearly he was trying to do something with the suit or he wouldn't have been dragged when Tigger moved. The dad is an idiot also for believing his son. That kid was just to damn happy to just be in the picture with out doing something...
  2. F

    Michael Richards explodes on stage.

    Check this out. There's a lot of buzz going around about this. A local radio announcer on The Bear,, made a good point. They are saying this may end his career, didn't his career end when Sienfeld went...
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    Request for mod to Fallout Brotherhood Bunker.

    I would like to have 4 suits of Power-armour available at the Brotherhood Bunker, 2 are already there through quests, so I would like 2 more added to a locker in the training room. I tried looking through tutorials, but most seem geared towards FO2 modding. If this can easily be done and I am...
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    Less stress, more money. What else could you ask for.

    I have just over a week left at my current job, I am estatic. :D I start my new job Sept 5. Can you believe I will making over $12,000 can. a year more, with far less stress. unbelievable. :shock: .. :D Also I am enjoying the fact that 1 other person is leaving today for the same reason...
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    Is this you Sander???

    I ran across this on a Need For Speed website. Is this you Sander, or an imposter?
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    Playing quick run to Enclave question.

    I've been playing F/O2 for a bit but never finished past SF, got too bored near the end of the game to finish. But I now have a hanker'n to see the end of the game. So, now my question. If I run through the quick game as outlined in Per's ever-so-wonderful guide, will I still be able to do most...
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    What would you do to win $35,000?

    A local radio station this contest going called The Paul Brown's really tough contest. In this contest people do some pretty disgusting stuff to qualify for the final stunt for the money. The latest is that 2 guys have to french kiss for 30 seconds, in a...
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    Brahma beer-this should have been in the game.

    Check this Too bad it wasn't available in the game. Would have fit in well.
  9. F

    Question about DOS games.

    Currently my computer is running XP on NTFS. I have some old DOS games that are not supported by DOSBOX. My old computer ran 98 on FAT16,I only have the hard drive left from it. To run the games I would reboot my computer using the WIN98 boot disc, load up the generic cd-drivers and run the...
  10. F

    Back To The Future in a new light....

    Check out this
  11. F

    [Black Steel] Game choppy??

    Near the Arroyo temple entrance the game gets really slow and choppy, starts at the Idol statue. The rest of the game is fine otherwise.I don't think it's my comp because that is the only time it happens, and I never have a problem with the un-modded fallout games? Just thought I would mention...
  12. F

    Installing 2nd Fallout2 with mod.

    I want to keep my existing Fallout2 un-modded game on my comp. and install the game again to run the Blacksteel mod as well. I know how to do the manual install of the game, but I am unsure if I have to make any changes to the CFG file so one install will not interfere with the other. I know I...
  13. F

    Who has kids? Do you let your kids play FALLOUT?

    I have a 6 year old, sometimes I will play F/O when he is around, but I try to hide the screen from him. If he does happen to see any part of the game and asks what I am doing, I tell him that my person is trying to find his friends. He asks to play, but I never let him. Told him he has to wait...
  14. F

    Switch items in active slots???

    I have looked everywhere, maybe blind or stupid, but I can not figure out how to switch items in my active slots without accessing the inventory screen. Example: when carrying a weapon in slot 2, so the guards don't get hostile, then switching it to slot 1 for combat without using any AP. There...
  15. F

    Playing with no cd???

    I want to put FO1 on another computer, I have been trying to find a cd crack so I can make a copy of mine, but I can't find one. Is it possible to run FO1 without the cd. OR-Can I just burn the cd and not worry about a crack to get it to work.
  16. F

    Savegame question concerning mod installs.

    I am planning on using the new F/O 1 mod from TEAMX. My question is-Do I have to do a fresh install of FO1 and the officail patch before applying the mod, thus removing the origanal saved games, or can I just install the mod and overwrite the existing saved games when I am playing. Also apply...
  17. F

    So what happened to the cockroaches??

    I was just curious, with all the mutated critters in fallout 1&2, why are there no mutated cockroaches. They should have survived the war, the fallout and anything else you could throw at them. I remember a movie "Damnnation Alley", there were cockroaches all over the place. Plus they had super...
  18. F

    Why won't my npc's use stimpaks in combat?

    I've got Sulik, Vic, and Cassidy in my party(magnetic personality perk). I am running the bear dude's (forget name) patch. In combat none of my npc's will use stimpacks in the harder fights, and Vic keeps running off instead of healing himself. None have died yet, but it's a pain to take the...
  19. F

    Question about vault 15 quests.

    What i want to know is this: I got into Vault 15, went up to level 3, got the info about the spy and picked up the computer parts. But when-ever I engauge in combat with the boss I get my ass kicked by the two gaurds in combat armor. I got here early in the game and am wearing the combat armor...
  20. F

    b.o.m.b. doc. what would you do???

    I just finished perusing the B.O.M.B. design doc. Pretty cool stuff. Having the fate of the world in your hands, WOW. I think I would try to save as many lives as possible, depending on my game play. What would you do?