Search results

  1. Golan2072

    Building a First Character for NV

    I'll probably be buying a copy of F:NV from STEAM this week, and I am already thinking about my first character. My initial concept was playing a "geek" of sorts, a weak, uncharismatic but *SMART* guy with Science, Energy Weapons and Repair. I might switch Repair to Speech if that would open...
  2. Golan2072

    Which DLC should I get?

    I'm near the end of Fallout III and its DLCs, and my next purchase from steam once money will be available will be Fallout: New Vegas. However, as there is no "Game of the Year" bundle this time, it means that I have to buy all DLCs for their full price, so I'm not sure if I could afford all...
  3. Golan2072

    Focusing on Energy Weapons

    I'm close to the end of Fallout III GotY (only Broken Steel remaining), and this time I've played heavily with Small Guns, switching to Energy Weapons only near the end (during Mothership Zeta, which I finished shortly before the MQ). So, for the sake of variety, I'm considering playing New...
  4. Golan2072

    Would Fallout 3 run on my computer?

    I'm thinking about ordering Fallout 3 Game of the Year Edition from (or any similar site) in the near/intermediate future. However, my computer is a bit old. My computer's specs are: Pentium Dual Core 1.6GHz 1GB DDR RAM NVIDIA GeForce 7100 WinXP Would Fallout 3 run well on...
  5. Golan2072

    [FO2] Do scope weapon mods affect NPCs?

    Are the NPCs in Fallout 2 affected by night/range modifiers and do scope add-ons (night and just scope) on their weapons affect their chances to hit?
  6. Golan2072

    [FO2] How playable is a one-hander ranged character?

    I'm thinking about re-playing Fallout 2 (I've finished it twice and nearly finished twice), with a somewhat different character - either a melee one or a one-handed gun user (so many pistols and SMGs I've never used before). How playable is a character using only one-handed ranged weapons (and...