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  1. Sebastian of the Wastes

    Been a long time, NMA

    Hello community! It's been almost 5 years since I last posted .... I feel like I'm in confession .... and if you remember me at all then you might know that I used to be a major player for an old, now defunct, Fallout 2 total conversion mod called Fan Made Fallout. Do a search, there are some...
  2. Sebastian of the Wastes

    Fan Made Fallout

    Hi all! My name is Sebastian of the Wastes and I’m the Public Relations Director for Fan Made Fallout (FMF), a fan based mod for the original Fallout games. I’m writing today to tell you all a little more about our project (for those of you who aren’t familiar with it) and to tell you a...
  3. Sebastian of the Wastes

    Why some science is stupid Am I the only person to have ever read The Stand? There's science and then there's stupid. You know, there are other ways we could have a post apocalyptic future besides a nuclear holocaust .. you dumb asses...
  4. Sebastian of the Wastes

    Your Favorite Story Line Arc from Fallout

    Hi All, I was curious about what you thought the best or most interesting story arc was from Fallout 1 or 2. It doesn't have to be limited to the story as it was written itself, it could also be how a story played out because of your own play style. Here's one of mine to get things...