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  1. M

    New Old World : Animated Comics

    A secret project that I have scored and that died for some reason so I figured I'd share these ! "The Dhust Twins" "Gamebook" "Desert Europe / A FALLOUT FANFICTION"...
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    My Fallout inspired album is finally released !

    As some of you know, during the last years, I have scored several Fallout inspired mods, projects, webcomics ( Olympus 2207, FOnline : Desert Europe, the N.O.W animated comics that is about to be released ... ) Well, today I'm releasing an album that is the fruit of these projects...
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    I'm selling something that might interest you guys...
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    So, the Duke Nukem Forever demo is out...

    ...and it looks like the game is gonna suck big rancind donkey balls. SURPRISED ? -Fan service every two steps -Horribly dated gameplay, but that was expected ( except not the sluggish mouse control ) -Retarded humor, like, Fallout 3 retarded, but only worse ( don't remember Duke Nukem...
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    To The Ocean EP ( Fallout inspired )

    Going to release my second E.P next week and it's Fallout inspired, yay ! I've worked on the FanMadeFallout soundtrack for a bit in 2006 I think and at the time I was going for a very similar sound but this one is a bit different. I wouldn't say that it's Dark Ambient ( I'd say it's guitar...
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    Fallout prints on Ebay ( but not anymore )

    There was a seller who used to sell some pretty good looking A3+ Fallout prints on Ebay. He doesn't sell them anymore ( probably because of copyright infringement ) but I thought I'd share anyway...
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    War of the Worlds is happening in Norway

    Article : More pics: A video of the "explosion"
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    Your Fallout collection

    Let's see who is the biggest Fallout nut. I've already came across some impressive Fallout collections here on NMA and I already know that mine is far from being the biggest one but it's starting to look somewhat complete. -The three Fallout guides ( Fo1, Fo2, FoT ) -US original Fallout...
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    Oddworld - The Oddbox

    Source : Pretty much the best thing ever if you ask me... :o
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    The Void - by the makers of "Pathologic"

    Has anybody played this game by the creators of the awesome "Pathologic" ? I know it's already out in Russia and Germany and I'd like to know more about it if anybody has played it yet...
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    Lovecraft-esque blob found in North Carolina sewer :o :shock:
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    The one game you've played the most...ever

    What is the game you've played the most or in your whole gamer career ? Mine probably is Carmageddon 1. I was 13 or 14 when I bought it. At the time, I didn't see the game in action and I didn't even hear about it. I just thought that the box looked cool and that the screenshot with the cows...
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    Bethesda Softworks Announces Creation Kit and DLC

    <blockquote>Editor to be Available in December; Downloadable Content coming for January, February, and March November 25, 2008 (ROCKVILLE, MD) – Bethesda Softworks®, a ZeniMax Media company, today announced plans to make both its editor and downloadable content available for its award-winning...
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    The obligatory Fallout 3 : Radiant AI hilarity thread

    I figured that we needed this thread because, not unlike Oblivion, the AI is broken and leads to all sorts of glitches, bugs, weird behavior and hilarity usually ensues. Here is my first video : Impressive combat AI indeed. What happenned is...
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    Bobbleheads : where to find them

    I don't have the game yet but I thought that we would need this topic anyway, now or later... So, where are they to be found ?
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    PSM3 Fallout 3 review, not impressed with PS3 version

    PSM3 have quite liked Fallout 3 since they gave it a 90/100 in their last review because, according to them, "Fallout 3 is as action-packed as a Call of Duty game"... However, it seems that they are also a bit concerned by how the game compares to the Xbox360 and PC versions. Here is what they...
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    CanardPC's almost-review

    French magazine CanardPC feature a five pages article on Fallout 3. What should have been a review is actually a preview (the real review will come once Fallout 3 is released in Europe) because, it seems, Omar Boulon has had quite a hard time playing the game in proper conditions. Here are some...
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    Starcraft 2 campaigns to be sold separately

    From UGO : "The big news today out of BlizzCon is that StarCraft II is being divided into Terrans: Wings of Liberty, Zerg: Heart of the Swarm, and Protoss: Legacy of the Void, three separate standalone campaigns that will be sold separately, each highlighting one of the game's races, with...
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    Fallout system requirements revealed, gold confirmed

    Bethesda Softworks have just updated their FAQ with the system requirements for Fallout 3 :<blockquote> Minimum System Requirements: Windows XP/Vista 1GB System RAM (XP)/ 2GB System RAM (Vista) 2.4 Ghz Intel Pentium 4 or equivalent processor Direct X 9.0c compliant video card with 256MB...
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    First Review Drops : French Magazine PC Jeux

    The first ( ? ) review has dropped. It seems that french magazine PC Jeux has liked Fallout 3 since they gave the game a 93% score. Here are a few excerpts :<blockquote>Quests are quite varied and go beyond the mere extermination of everything that shows up on screen. You'll have for instance to...