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  1. D

    No particular time of the day of the dead.

    Ok, this may have already been done and if that is the case the admins have my sincere apologies for wasting their time in vatting this. That said, a previous post made me think: If a Dawn of the Dead scenario actually happened (95ish% of the population being zombified) what would we do? So...
  2. D

    Not post apoc but...

    Is anyone else as excited about THIS being on DVD as I am? This is the best thing ever!
  3. D

    level with me guys....

    Waddya think of this? Yes it IS me.
  4. D

    What would you choose?

    Ok, let's say for some reason, you have the option to get ANYTHING you want from a movie, video game, tv show, book (be it comic or otherwise) etc. The question is, what would you want? List your top three wants. 1. Marine armor from starcraft 2. Lasgun from Dawn of War 3. and i'm a little...
  5. D

    Favorite Power Armor?

    This type of armor has been featured in a wide variety of video games, movies (not so much, unfortunately), books, etc. So the question is, which is YOUR favorite version and what's it from? Personally, I'm torn between the terran marine armor from starcraft and the armor hulk hogan had in...
  6. D

    Fallout: The Bazaar

    Here's another one. I hope you like it. Read the post entitled "My first fanfiction ever' first or this one won't make much sense! My apologies to anyone who read the story before I edited this in. "How much is that one?" "What one?" "That combat shotgun." "8,000" "8,000...
  7. D

    My first fanfiction ever.

    In light of that fact, please don't savage it too badly. He had a bolt action .308 rifle, the name of which had faded into obscurity long before he owned it. It didn't really matter what it was called though, it shot straight and had brought him much quarry in the years it...