Seeing how this community is very helpfull I want to ask you guys a little help about basic scripting, focusing primarily on NPC dialogue. I don't know which programs to use for scripting that are newbie friendly.
I don't have any programming skills but with some good tutorials I...
Hi! I want to change a description of a bed, that appears on the console like when it says "this bed has seen better days" but I want to create a new script with other description... Can someone explain me how to do it?
My Regards
Hi,, is there a way or program,, that when I modify some maps, I have to make a new game.... Is there a program that can keep my game and make the changes on the map? :roll:
My Regards
Hi,, I was wandering if there's a program to change the things that appear in that screen that gives info about the game that says for example: "you see: Sulik" "you search the locker"
I hope I can make myself clear... and can somone tell me a simple easy to use dialog changer or modifier...