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  1. 1

    Back after who knows how many years.

    Hi, It has been a long while since I was on these forums. Life got really busy and I was not able to log on. Anyways, I am one of the early backers/kickstarters for Wasteland 2 is there any other backers are you playing the Wasteland 2 Beta?
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    Two Worlds

    My best friend gave me a copy Two Worlds. It's like oblivion but on a much more massive scale. The main character has to find a relic to save his sister. I won't say much more than that. I really like the game but I had to stop in the middle of it due to the fact I broke my right hand and...
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    SuperHeros and SuperVillians

    Hi I'm just wondering what kind of superhero or supervillian you all like? I'm usually on the fence between Self Made (Batman, Punisher) or altered (Ghost Rider, Iron Man, Dare Devil) types. I always felt Superman had it too easy. The four groups are below. Obviously I didn't list all...
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    Crusader No Regret

    Bah I am stuck in this game! Does anyone know of a good website that has a good walkthrough? I wasted three hours searching on google and all I found was a faq that tells you your missons. I know what the misson is but not how to complete it.
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    Shootergames and Memory

    Does anyone use their associative memory when playing games like Max Payne or Hitman Codename: 47? What I mean is When I play these games through the 2nd time and any other time after that, I can, by using my associative memory know where all the bad guys are and shoot them before they have a...
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    Mmmm I've downloaded DOSBOX and installed it but everytime I try to run it, it boots some then gives me that has to close window and asks me if I want to send a report to microshaft.. anyone know how to fix this?
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    Is Gaming an Drug-type addiction?

    On the five oh-clock news, a few doctors and concerned parents were saying that computer games and online games seem like a drug addiction. Kids are skipping dinner, not doing their homework all because they are gaming all the time. I know I have a gaming addiction but I also live life. I...
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    Pick a World

    There are so many different kinds of Post Apocalypse worlds out there in fiction> I was wondering which one you would choose to live in if you were given the choice. Fallout world is not included among the choices because we already all know that we all would want to live in such a world...
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    Omikron: The Nomad Soul

    Has anyone played this game? I don't know why but I keep going back to play this game. It has one of the most interesting plots and modes of transportation. Combines FPS, Adventure, Street Fighting, and Puzzle Solving. Basically Your soul gets transfered to a cop in a strange post apoc...
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    Time consuming RPG

    Does anyone know of a good time consuming RPG I can play on PS2?
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    Star Trek's PA world and entertainment

    One thing I never understood about Star Trek is that eventhough the nuclear war happened in the 2000's.. When any of the series mentioned entertainment from pre nuclear times, they never mention any entertainment that was released or published later than 1965. Star Trek TNG: They find a...
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    Old Games

    There a lot of games I enjoyed playing in the past and almost all of them are unplayable on current operating systems since DOS almost no longer exists and the modern mouse does not work in the MS DOS prompt at all. Some of these games are, Syndicate Wars Crusader: No Remorse, No Regrets Wing...