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  1. F

    Impire: a spiritual successor to Dungeon Keeper (sorta)

    This was just released a few days ago. I've only played the first mission, because I don't have time right now, but it already looks like a very charming game. The voice acting and music are surprisingly good too. There are some bugs such as the options menu freezing and vsync not working for...
  2. F

    world's first input device with always online DRM

    I could not believe my eyes when I read about this. Apparently Razer has created the first ever mouse that requires always online DRM:
  3. F

    New Space Quest Games!!!!!!!!

    This is a thread for everyone who liked the Sierra originals. I wouldn't have known this if RPS hadn't reported it, but two sneaky releases were made between xmas and new year's. The first is a remake of Space Quest 2. The second is a fan-made sequel to the SQ series...
  4. F

    Portal 2 "free" DLC released

    Remember how Valve promised a free Portal 2 DLC? Well, it's out now. And it costs 140$. Not kidding. They decided to bundle the DLC exclusively with a costly, gimmicky motion control device for the PC, called the Razer Hydra. The DLC is apparently designed to only work with that device...
  5. F

    royal wedding -- does anyone care?

    Is there anyone in NMA who cares about the royal wedding? Just curious.
  6. F

    The French language is a hoax!

    What many have suspected all along has now turned out to be true. It's all a lie. Read more here: Discuss.
  7. F

    BUG ALERT + fix: upgrading ED-E "destroys" items

    If your ED-E was still storing items when you had him upgraded, all your items will be "lost" when you get the ED-E back. To fix: Open console by pressing ~ Type prid 1732cf (if that ID doesn't work, try 1732d1 and 1732d0) Type OpenTeammateContainer 1 The old ED-E's inventory will...
  8. F does dumb stunt

    I just visited and was surprised to read this: What happened? Does anyone have any info on this?
  9. F

    The Whispered World Demo

    The Whispered World demo is out and available here: It's a point and click adventure. I am really impressed. Not only are the hand-drawn backgrounds well done, but the dialogue is very well written and the story...
  10. F

    Terminator Salvation retail PC version broken

    That's right, PC gamers got screwed again, apparently. The PC DVD version of Terminator Salvation isn't working - it was shipped with a broken installer. There's no fix. What is particularly funny (or not, if you bought this trash) is that the publisher, Evolved Games, is completely ignoring...
  11. F

    FEAR 2 demo: impressions?

    So it's out. My impression? Another one dumbed down for the console 'tards. Leaning: gone AI: retarded, not much coordination anymore Recoil: gone, now you just point and shoot Pace: FEAR on extasy Viewport on the PC: no full screen, if you have a normal monitor you're stuck with...
  12. F

    A Christmas Present From Valve

    So it looks like Valve is now screwing its European customers in the butt, because 1 dollar now equals 1 euro in Steam. Retail games are now cheaper than Steam, which pretty much makes Steam pointless. Why pay extra when you can get a tangible copy cheaper? I was thinking of getting CS:Source...
  13. F


    Dunno if you guys have seen this yet, but: This is the epitome and apotheosis of awesomeness. I think this guy could rip Chuck Norris's anus apart. Discuss.
  14. F

    new logo for NMA

    How about this one?
  15. F

    The Wasteland. My fan fiction

    I looked around and didn't find too much fan fiction so I decided to start a little story and see if anyone finds this interesting. I am going to post this in short episodes which I will keep writing if this gets any attention. This isn't going to be an action-filled adventure, so if you're...