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  1. K

    Phantasy Star Online 2 So, anyone else around these parts love Phantasy Star Online and look forward to (hopefully) a proper revival? Universe was okay for a while, but just didn't have the same... whatever it was that PSO had. Would be cool if I...
  2. K

    Input Device of the Future?

    <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></embed> So whaddya think -- input device of the future or gimmick?
  3. K

    NMA Diablo 2 Bnet Team Thread

    Made a new thread to keep the OT discussion off the Diablo 3 thread. We have seven so far. I believe eight is the cap for a room on D2 Bnet, though it's been a while so I could be wrong. We should probably all decide on what characters we want. I'm good for a Lagromancer, but I'm also good...
  4. K

    Street FIghter IV

    Video here. Also be sure to check out the other vids. And again Capcom shows how you should update a classic. Yeah I know, it's yet more Street Fighter. But Capcom realizes that when someone is playing a Street Fighter game, that's kinda what they want, unlike some other companies who think...
  5. K

    Star Wars: the Force Unleashed

    New video. I have to say, I'm liking the look of this game. I mean, I'm pretty skeptical about the story - apparently you're a super-powerful secret apprentice of Darth Vader who could've kicked Yoda's, Palpatine's, Luke's, and a Star Destroyer's asses single-handedly... yeah, I'm sure...