Search results

  1. M

    Killap's Unofficial Fallout 2 Patch?

    Is Killap still updating his patch, or is it a done deal now? Found a few bugs on my dumb playthrough. Basically, you can ask to see Tandi in NCR and the guy (Feargus?) will let you through the door, but Gunther won't let you in to see Tandi - the door is locked and he'll call the guards if...
  2. M

    Fallout 2 - well, this sounds like a crock...

    Saw this on the Fallout wiki and it promptly made me think "wtf?"; If you walk unarmed past the guards and Enclave soldiers, you can inspect the Vertibird they landed in. You will have the chance to slip inside. If you do this, you are transported to their base, and you may be attacked or...
  3. M

    Fallout 2 Intelligence Checks?

    I normally play with high intelligence characters, but I'm looking at skimping a bit for a particular build and I'm wondering what would be a good amount to still be able to experience most related content - things like the jet cure (talking to Myron) and other science related stuff. I can't...
  4. M

    Character gen program?

    Is there such a thing as a separate character gen program for Fallout 1/2? Something where I can just build characters?
  5. M

    Arcanum - I think I'm doing something wrong!

    This is going to sound really stupid, but I installed Arcanum and started playing it again. I, for the life of me, can't figure out why I am unable to loot the chest just west of the crash site at the start of the game, or the pile of junk in the cave to the east. This is as far as I've got in...
  6. M

    Fallout 1+2+Tactics boxes/goodies/manuals/etc

    Ok, so my hometown recently flooded and about 80% of everything I own was destroyed. Technically, I should probably care more about my house being ruined, my furniture, tv, appliances and whatever... but I don't. I care more about the fact that I lost many valuable-to-me collector's items, like...
  7. M

    Classic Power Armor pictures

    Has anyone seen any good up-close pictures of the classic Power Armor from Fallout 1? I know there is a picture of the helmet on the box, but what I'm looking for is a full front and side image. I probably won't find a picture like that, so I'll add that if anyone can draw an exact replica of...