Search results

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    Turn-based multiplayer game reccomendations?

    I've been gaming with some friends online and we've been looking for good turn-based mulitplayer games. So far we have Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic and Heroes V: Tribes of the East. I've been toying with the idea of playing Fallout: Tactics but I'd really like some more good options. Any...
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    Amazon - Digital Games Mahem - up to 80% off

    I just stumbled upon this and thought it might be of interest around here. Amazon is having a Steam-scale sale on digital games, many of which are Steam keys. They have some great deals on some game bundles, most of which are $10 for a collection of 3-15 games. The sale ends at the end of the...
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    Customer Service from hell and response from PAX and others

    Here's a story about a third party PR company (apparently consisting of one man) handling customer service which insults a customer seeking an ETA on a controller that he preordered after the delivery date was missed. To sum things up: Long version: [spoiler:4152c09744]The customer emails the...
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    Man robs bank to get medical care in jail Yep, the US's healthcare system works perfectly...
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    US Court of Appeals says "Hell no" to net neutrall

    Full story at:
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    Torchlight - digital download Diablo clone by Diablo devs

    So I just came across an ad for Torchlight which is lead by the designer of Fate, two of the codesigners of Diablo 1&2, and the team that made Mythos (apparently the Seattle devision of Flagship Studios). Just wondering if anyone has played it or the demo for it yet and what the reactions were...
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    Windows 7 to replace Vista, try out the beta

    Looks like Microsoft is giving up on Vista and going with Windows 7, which apparently includes all of the stuff that got cut from Longhorn. They have a version that you can download, Windows 7 Release Candidate, so you can try it out if you want.
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    Student hoaxes world's media on Wikipedia

    Source: Moral of the story, instant news and no enforced journalistic standards (unlike PEs [professional engineers] and lawyers for example) means less reliability in the quality of information.
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    5 Things The Elders Scrolls V Shouldn't Do

    Stumbled upon this whilst quickly Google Newsing Fallout 3. Always amusing when they start off their review by justifying their fandom, in this case citing the fact that he gave the game a perfect score when it came out and editor's choice. I cut out his explanations but I just found it...
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    SquareEnix takeover bid of Eidos and new MMO in the works

    Interesting move and I hope it'll mean an eventual return to the Thief series for Eidos, as foolish as that hope may be.