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  1. G

    European Commonwealth : Paris (wip)

    _________________________________________________European Commonwealth : Paris____________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ [Read this with the voice of Ron Perlman...
  2. G

    Vaultboy pic?

    Does someone still have the file with all the vaultboys on a white background? I am not speaking of the 6 high res files here on nma, but of a files with all the vaultboys. I think it was released when Bethesda made its competition or something, but I am not sure. I remember finding a link on...
  3. G

    Change the text color?

    I know this is gonna sound like heresy, but is there any way to change the green color of the text to a new one?
  4. G

    Mapper related questions

    So, I encountered some probleme with the mapper lately, and I just wanted to have the advice of other modders... First, about the city limits patch for the mapper, I have never been able to install it for the mapper. When i tried to install it with the installer, it just tell me that the...
  5. G

    repack the data

    How do one repack the data from your mod in critter.dat and master.dat? if that even possible? I kinda need to know since my mapper doen't read the change I make in the .H files... Thought it might be a good way to solve that problem...
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    Mapper back to desktop

    Ok, i have got this huge problem right now. i haven't used the mapper since 2,3 weeks, and now every time I launch it, it keep sending me back to the desktop, without quitting the game. Same thing if I try to restore it. It seems to affect the two of my mappers for all the files that I use...
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    Panther Pack

    Do you remember this conversation with this npc from the Broken Dream Café? How he kept complaining that he should have been in the game, and that everytime the Whitey changes the rules? Too much frames they said! If he could hold off the son of... Well this conversation is about to become...
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    Arroyo 13

    Hello Folks ! Just want to present Arroyo 13, a mod project I am working at the moment. Arroyo 13 will begin 10 years after the end of Fallout 2, and will focuse on the BoS / NCR conflict, the map will cover the area of fallout 1 and 2, and you will be able to go to area like Vault city, the...
  9. G

    a script compiler

    Hello, I am currently learning how to mod fallout2, but I am having a probleme with installing a script compiler. (not writing a script that I think I have understood). FSE seems to lie to me. Doesn't compile at all, or I don't know where. I followed exactly the tutorial from...