Search results

  1. aenemic

    Dark Souls 3 easy mode (and From Software discussion)

    Quite telling of modern games.
  2. aenemic

    The REAL Fallout 4

    I bet Bethesda's lawyers are pulling their hair out.
  3. aenemic

    The Brotherhood of Steel are utterly useless

    I've only dealth with the BoS in the Cambridge Police Station so far, and I haven't joined them or even visited them in their other location, so I have no idea what their current story is. But I see them everywhere. Almost every time I travel between locations outdoors or just when randomly...
  4. aenemic

    upgrading my pc - is my psu up for it?

    hey fellow computer nerds. I'm thinking of doing some upgrades. current setup: Intel E8500 duo-core cpu GTX 260 gpu 2gb ram Enermax Liberty 500W psu (12v1 + 12v2 = 32A) what I want to do is to add an ssd to install my os on, add additional ram for a total of 8gb and upgrade the...
  5. aenemic

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    so it's official, Bethesda is developing a TES MMO. thoughts? will they have what it takes to make it good? will they stick to a more or less regular mold, aka WoW-clone or will they try to do something new? it'll certainly be interesting to see how they handle things like skills, levels...
  6. aenemic

    Strategy games (recommend me some if you please)

    I haven't played a lot of strategy games on PC, except for the classics such as Civilization, Settlers, C&C/Red Alert, War/StarCraft, Disciples and Heroes of Might & Magic. and a few other odd ones. the HoMM series in particular has offered a lot of entertainment, especially when playing against...
  7. aenemic

    barter bug

    all of a sudden the game has started crashing when I click "accept" while bartering with one specific travelling merchant. it doesn't seem to happen with anyone else, just her (the light-skinned one that appears in Novac from time to time). I have even bartered with her before, but today I had...
  8. aenemic

    New Vegas difficulty (spoilers)

    I'm currently on my first playthrough, around level 19-20. I haven't done that many side-quests and I haven't even entered The Strip yet. so far levelling up has been too easy and I'm a bit disappointed since Josh Sawyer had stated earlier that reaching level 30 would be a massive accomplishment...
  9. aenemic

    yet another quest bug? Heartache By The Number (spoilers)

    I talked to Cass and got the first stage of this quest early on when I first got to Mojave Outpost. I just arrived at Crimson Caravan and didn't get any dialogue options related to it. all I got was a quest to deliver an invoice to Camp McCarran. my quest log said to do that, obviously, but also...
  10. aenemic

    quest: ED-E My Love (spoilers)

    so I'm having problems with this quest. I got the quest even before repairing ED-E and picking him/her/it up, can't remember from where. the quest simply states to bring ED-E to the Gibson Scrap Yard, but nothing happens when I do so. and I have no new dialogue options when talking to the lady...
  11. aenemic

    Jagged Alliance 3

    apparently, JA3 is coming out finally. and it's a new game, not the previously announced JA3. might be interesting for us tactical turn-based combat fans. read more here.
  12. aenemic

    recognize this? never heard of the band before, probably not well known at all.
  13. aenemic

    might be getting me a laptop

    I'm considering getting a laptop. never owned one before becuase I just haven't felt the need to. but I'm starting to feel like I have more use of one now, both for work and for entertainment. I'm still not sure exactly what I want to use it for though... I pretty much have two options...
  14. aenemic

    CML.exe - a threat?

    this process starts up when I start my computer and all it says under description is "loop". it's located in the Windows/System32 folder. I can't recall ever seeing it before, but I might just not have noticed it. I did a quick search and got lots of websites offering me free means of...
  15. aenemic

    Goat arrested for armed robbery

    how cool wouldn't it be if the goat actually WAS a magician... read the story
  16. aenemic

    System Shock 2 (and a mention of Dead Space)

    I know a lot of people here love System Shock 2 as much as me. so I thought this would be a good place to ask: is it at all possible to run SS2 in Vista? I had a lot of trouble running it in XP until I found the fix I'm guessing everyone uses. does the same fix work or are there similar fixes...
  17. aenemic

    mah 'puter broke!

    I found my baby dead yesterday morning :cry: bought a new network card before the weekend so I could play Wrath of The Lich King (don't judge me). the built-in network chipset on the motherboard is broke since way back and there was a PCI network card from netgear installed when I got the...