Search results

  1. D

    Allegro 5 Finally Released [C Game Library]

    I just wanted to spread the word that the first official release of the new Allegro 5 branch has been released. For the ones who don't know what I'm talking about, Allegro is a free and open-source C 2D game library which brings most of the features a programmer would need to make a game, and...
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    OpenRA - Open Source CnC and Red Alert

    Recently, an Alpha test has been released for the open source Command & Conquer & Red Alert clone OpenRA! It works on Windows, OS X, and Linux! Red Alert and CnC have been free for a while, so they use the same assets. Though you need to copy the music from your CD or download the files...
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    Humble Indie Bundle #2

    Haven't seen this posted around here, so just thought I should let you know. The Humble Indie Bundle #2 has been up for a few days now. The neat feature is that you can activate the games on Steam if you want(achievement hunters :P )! As for the games...
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    Gearing up for a Deus Ex replay

    It's been a time since I last replayed Deus Ex. I did play most of those content mods, including The Nameless Mod. But now I'd like to give DX's campaign another playthrough. Question is, what mods should I use to enchance it? I'm not really looking for anything gameplay specific, I'd be more...
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    The great feeling of new hardware

    Everyone loves buying new hardware. Some people keep up with the trends, others just stay behind and upgrade for what they need. Others, like me, just delay their next purchase to the level the transition between new & old will be just AMAZING. What's my latest case? I just upgraded from a...
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    Similar songs between games?

    I've just remembered about the similarity from one track from Deus Ex and another one from Unreal Tournament. I suppose something more was shared between the Unreal Crowd and Ion Storm apart from the...
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    Weird/Stupid fears on gaming?

    This is the confession thread, here we will help you battle your stupid fears in some games most probably caused in your childhood. To me, for some reason, I was always scared of the ReDeads(zombies) on Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time. Their weird animation, their moaning, that horrible...
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    Playable PacMan in Google's Doodle

    It's so neat. :) Anyone want to share any secrets or easter eggs about it? It might not work in foreign Google versions. Google AFAIK, if you insert a second coin, you can play as Ms. Pacman with WASD.
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    High Latency Multiplayer games?

    I'm looking for any recommendations on 2 player multiplayer games. The problem is, my friend has some problems with his Internet connection(shameless wireless company) and he gets some big latency, over 500 ms most of the time. This high latency only occurs with games that need a lot of updating...
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    When and how did NMA react to Beth Fallout 3's rumours?

    So, I'm browsing and searching through the news archive, since I was interested to see what was the initial reaction of NMA when they heard Beth was going to buy the franchise... The problem is, I don't know what date to look for... I could also be mixing up my searching with Fallout 3 with...
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    Super Mario Bros. Crossover

    Hey, this started to spread fast! Be sure to try it out. It's a SMB1 Clone where you can play as other NES characters with their corresponding abilities(Link, Samus, Bill R., Megaman, Simon) Apart from a few bugs, and not-too-perfect physics...
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    OnLive gets a launch date - June 17th

    Just spotted this over at RPS(Rock, Paper, Shotgun): Does anyone have any thoughts on it? Revolutionary, Great, Ok, Bad, terrible idea, bullshit, the doom of gaming PCs and consoles? Minimum requirements are a 1.5...
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    ISO 2D games can look impressive too!

    I didn't make this video, but found it while surfing in youtube. Someone with XNA made it, and it looks lovely. It's just for the graphics obviously, but it could look better than the Infinity Engine, but with real time illumination. And...
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    Anyone tried it yet? It's a nice combination of Sandbox gaming, and a lego set. The whole word is based on blocks, and the graphics are blocky, but it keeps a style. The version I linked here is the free Alpha(yes, that early) version. It's cut...
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    Try out my mini-game. Dune Smasher

    I'm developing a new framework so I can make my life easier when coding games, and I need some testing. Sadly, most of the people at the programming forum don't have good GPUs, and I know some of you have powerful rigs. I'm specially interested in tests from ATI Radeon users. The game is...
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    Beating parts of a game WAY above your level

    If there's something I loved from open CRPGs it's that you could end up in places where everyone was much more skilled than your PC(or your party). More funny is, that even with a low-level character, you knew the game's mechanics so much you could actually defeat them. I'm just ranting here...
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    Dungeon Keeper 1 & 2

    I have really good memories of this game in my childhood, but I can't quite remember if I finished the main campaign at all. I had a sudden urge to replay this game when I coded a power in my new game( to call Santa Claus a-la Horny style :) Now...
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    Problems iwth Van Buren Tech Demo

    Hi Içmnew in the forum and i wanted tosk you how to run the VanBuren Tech Demo. I get a Direct 3d error when running iit in windows XP. I got DirectX 9.0c I tried changing platformcompatibilty, but it show some errors on none libraries function found. Also tried to run it in windows 98...