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  1. P


    Can we get an eyepatch this time around? 'cause I want one.
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    Planescape; Torment modifications

    Okay dudes, here's whats going down. I've reinstalled Planescape ; Torment in order to give it a second chance, I've played 2 - 3 hours into it, got bored and uninstalled it again. I could never get into the game itself, are there any mods I should install so I can get maximum enjoyment from...
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    Metro 2033

    I wanna give this game a shot, it looks really cool. Does anyone recommend it?
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    What's the worst video game you've ever played?

    Just to mix things up a little around here, vent your frustrations about bad video games you've played. Seaman for the Dreamcast springs to mind, undoubtably a traumatic gaming experience. It's good for a cheap laugh though especially with Leonard Nemoy in it. The Thing for Xbox also...
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    Red Dead Redemption

    Alright, I'm extremely friggin' hyped up the shit about this game. I'm counting down the days until its release. I personally love the whole western style, and Red Dead Revolver might be one of my favorite PS2 games. Also it's coming out on May 17th, which is my birthday. :crazy: Looks...
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    Dragon Age or Mass Effect 2?

    Yeah, i'm gonna get one of these games tomorrow. Unsure which to get, both look good. :( Give me your opinions on both games so I can decide gentlemen. :)
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    So I wanna invest in a pair of good headphones. I'm sick of the small ones breaking on me. :( I'd like ones with good sound quality worth £20 to £40. Cheers. :D
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    Fallout 2 on Windows 7

    There's probably a thread on this already somewhere, VAT this thread if neccesary. Uh so yeah, Just installed Windows 7 (which is pretty great so far) but im having a few issues with FO2. When I first installed it wouldn't seem to even start, but this problem has resolved itself since I...
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    Tekken Live Action Movie Wow.... :lol: Budget $150 Million Repeat after me, FLOP.
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    Interplay titles now available on steam Most notably being FO1 + 2.
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    Is Miria useful with ANY weapons?

    She's just a liability in my party at the moment and I don't really want to divorce her because im a good character. Is there anything I can do which you know....wont make her a total waste of space.
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    D: I'm not sure what to do when using modrunner, could someone help me out?
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    Survival Horror games

    So I've wanted to get into some survival horror games. Could someone tell me something worth playing? Maybe its worth mentioning : I haven't played a silent hill game.
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    Fallout concept art?

    Is there any Fallout concept art around these days? I'd also like to see some Van Buren concept art too.
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    Fallout 2 NPC power armour talking heads?

    Is it possible to replace NPC talking heads with enclave power armour talking heads while they are wearing Power Armour MK2? I'm not sure how hard/easy this might be but I thought it might be an interesting idea.
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    Corsican Brothers?

    I just realised that in Golden Globes there is only one of the brothers. Is this some kind of pop culture reference or was one of the brothers not included in the game?
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    Skipping Temple of Trials?

    The Temple of Trials is by far the most annoying thing about this game. Is there any way to skip it? This is probably a stupid question. D:
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    Good games that will run on a crappy system?

    Yeah, I've got pretty bored of fallout and I'm afraid of playing farenheit incase it breaks my system. So I think its time for you fine gents to reccomend me some games! I've played - San Andreas - PS:T - Worms : Armageddon - Arcanum - Loads more
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    Ending movies keep skipping

    I'm doing a full run of Fallout 2 and every time I leave the enclave oil rig the ending cutscenes keep skipping. I'm not sure if this is a fairly common problem or whatever but I would highly appreciate if someone helped me with this problem.
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    The "Bald Dude" Mod!

    Bald dude player model. I always thought it would be kind of cool to have the bald haired character model as your player character. I obviously know next to nothing about fallout modding. I just thought it would be kind of neat and i'm throwing it out there. Maybe you could expand on the...