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  1. H

    Render window color (I want black, not gray)

    Probably a simple question but I need it badly. And I know it's possible from some screens I saw. So how do I change the default color of the render window?
  2. H

    Stuck in the ground and map pieces piled up?

    Ugh, this is making it hard to do stuff. The GECK pretty much shows the stage as it should be but when I test it, it messes up. I doubt it's the overlapping in the cave because I tested it a bit earlier with a few pieces which were overlapping and it worked just fine...
  3. H

    Pipboy radio popping and stuttering?

    I know this isn't meant to be apart of it because the console version sounded perfectly clear, is there something wrong with the PC version and is there a fix?
  4. H

    Can the cow tipping be changed to pushing anything?

    Because who doesn't want to push people off of railings? Could pushing people over work in this game since you can do it to the brahmin?
  5. H


    Is it possible to make it black? (Not sure if I can do it myself because I'm still going through the tutorial.)
  6. H

    Possible to have limbs removed and keep them alive?

    They have already gone over the limit with silly gore, why not make it so if they lose an arm or a leg they will still try to kill or try run away, nothing like having a hunt on someone trying to escape.
  7. H

    Dog meat is useless, Giant Radscorpian on the otherhand...

    Is it possible to make a mod to have other animals as companions, I know I've seen a scavenger with a pet yao guai's so it's got to be possible to replace Dog meat with one. Wouldn't you prefer having a pet that has some health and does some good damage, unless your going for a bloat fly.
  8. H

    Fallout 3 and Gordon Freeman

    I got bored waiting for the modkit, so I used that Gordon Freeman character for all sorts of tomfoolery and buggery. Anyone else made some Fallout 3 video in boredom? (if this is the wrong section, please redirect)
  9. H

    Only three complaints.

    1. Not enough perks. 2. Leveling cap/leveling too easy. 3. The story. These being the only ones I can think of but they are drastic ones. 1. There was only a few good perks to choose from, the rest were just buff ups and didn't feel worth the time and some which shouldn't be there at...