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  1. B

    Choppy scrolling

    This game has a micropause-filled scroll for me that causes the game to feel incredibly choppy. -My hardware is so good it's bad so that's not it. GTX275 / Core 2 Duo @ 2.33 ghz / 3gb ram -Windows XP -Patched to 1.27 -Tried compatability modes -Task Manager says its not filling up my page...
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    Script Help: Run and Gun AP

    This is included in Dubby's F3C, but I'm surprised to find that nobody's made a mod to do it seperately. I tried to script it myself, but it didn't work particularly well. Once the AP runs out, it oftentimes get stuck at/below Zero. It can also cause the player to get "stuck" in VATS after he...
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    Help with skill points

    Can I make it so that untagged skills use 2 sp and tagged skills only use 1?
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    GNR Radio Recommendations

    I've been working on creating a decent track list for the many mods that allow you to add tracks to GNR, but most of them come with really crappy royalty free songs. What I'm really looking for are tracks that come of particularly "Fallout"-y. Some of my choices work better than others...
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    Power of Atom quest fix

    I think it would be a good idea to put a couple guards around the bomb that won't let you touch it unless you pass a speech check from Lucas Simms or bribe them somehow? Also I feel that the church of atom should be pushing you to detonate the bomb for spirirual purposes and try to get in...
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    [I R SMART] dialogue skill checks unretardified
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    You can tip over the Brahmin

    Sneak up to them and press the interact button. No matter what you think about Fallout 3 it gets points for that.
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    Slowdown on Map screen

    The game itself plays smoothly enough, but everything breaks down when I get to the map screen it chugs and my pointer jumps all over the place when I move it. Minor, but annoying.
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    Gripes about the writing

    EDIT the writing really is bad i am sorry for doubting you brilliant souls. One complaint I've heard from many people is that Fallout 3's writing is terrible. But I have yet to hear anyone say exactly why it's terrible, just broad proclamations and "FACEPALM"s I haven't noticed anything...
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    Galaxy News Track Listing

    Does this exist anywhere? I've enjoyed some of the oldies but couldn't even begin to know where to start looking without song titles and artists.