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  1. R

    My fort - let me show it to you

    Hello, I was wondering if some of you fine folks are in the "fort building" business as well? I a stumpled upon this fine mod here which allows you to build your own little fort. Not to be confused with the settler mod. So what always bothered me in FNV is how unprotected most...
  2. R

    Problems with too many mods

    Hello I have a little problem. I have many mods installed and some don't working properbly, also they should. In this case it is a mod that changes the ammunition of the chinese assaultrifle and the hunting rifle (to 5mm and 5.56mm). but they don't anymore, which is werid, because the mods...
  3. R

    Fallout rebalance Mod - Metathread

    Hello As discussed in this thread here: I think it is time for a metathread, which brings all the balancemodders to the table. Why do we want that? A quotes from the old thread explains this really quickly: So here it is. I will...
  4. R

    Far slower Pacing mod

    Hello everyone This is a thread about a new mod I like to make, or even better to find somebody who can make it happen. I think one big issue is the pacing of the game. At the old fallout titles you came out of the vault totaly naked, with only your gun and some little ammo. While theorically...