Search results

  1. Erny

    Pacifist bonus perk?

    I thought it woul be great to have a perk\trait that grants you bonus xp (like +20%) for as long as you have 0 in the killstats. But as soon as you kill anything - you lose this trait. Is it possible to create such a thing? Wonder why developers didnt have this option in the game. It would...
  2. Erny

    changing music in NV?

    I want to change the music in New Vegas, do I have to replace the existing files keeping the same filenames, or just dropping my mp3s in the folders will do? Also what`s the meaning of the naming convention hig\low\mid
  3. Erny

    Bethesda`s odd moral - karma (some spoilers)

    The very karma system in fo3 is silly and simplified to the point of irrelevant. And then there are many cases where the negative/positive karma makes no sense at all Stealing is always bad ok. Steal from a bad char - negative karma, but if you murder a supposedly bad char you get a...