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  1. S

    Underpowered Fire Weapons

    So I've been thinking for a while that fire weapons in Fallout 1/2 need a buff. I'm no Fallout modder, but I do know that there are several overhaul mods for Fallout 2 at least and at the moment I'm basically just pitching ideas. Would it be possible (engine-wise, modder-wise) to create an...
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    Matt Chat interviews Brian Fargo #3

    About the Fall of Interplay. <embed src=";hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed>
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    Fallout: New Vegas QuakeCon previews, #4

    Here is's preview of Fallout: New Vegas: It spends a long time talking about how long Fallout 3 is, before noting how much New Vegas improves on so many obvious flaws of Fallout 3. VATS being a necessity, no iron-sights...
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    BioShock Infinite

    Just saw this: Seems to be a prequel, a flying steam-punk city theme going on. The trailer looks good though (cinematics, no gameplay, as usual). Official Site if anyone's interested...
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    Tim Cain interview on Matt Chat, part 3

    More Matt Chat with Tim Cain: A bit of talk about Fallout 3, Arcanum, ToEE and some stuff about the MMO he's working on, it's also the final part.
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    Just Cause 2 Am I the only one getting this game? It looks fucking awesome, the demo was great too. I already have the LE pre-ordered. :)
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    Fallout: New Vegas OXM preview scans

    Never gonna give you up. Never gonna let you down... Here is the OXM UK preview which, if nothing else, are the best scans and thus the best look we've had so far. - Scans removed at copyright holder's request - Some core points: <ul>The Brotherhood of Steel is back, but the core story...
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    Project V13 concept art #9: Powerup

    We seem to have skipped straight over concept art #8 to head to #9, ominously entitled Powerup. <center></center>
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    Metro 2033

    So... here comes another First Person Shooter, Post-Apocalyptic, "Role-Playing Game" hybrid to add to the disgusting mesh of Borderlands and Fallout 3 type of games. It's starting to become a trend. :roll: One of this one's genres is apparently...
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    Fallout 3 PC Crashes

    I live in the UK and I got F3 for windows XP, and as it says it's 'compatible' with everything I have on my pc. The game is fine until i get out of Vault 101 and into the wastes. Then for 10 mins of playing its fine then it goes all laggy and jumpy then bang, screen goes black and it puts me...