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  1. H

    Age of Decadence - the real crpg in the spirit of Fallout 2

    Recently I stumbled upon one post here in the forums about the release of "Age of Decadence", googled it and was pleasantly surprised to see a game that seemed to be using the same character creation system as Fallout 1 & 2 - SPECIAL. After trying the demo, I immediately was hooked on it as I...
  2. H

    Vivos - Underground Shelter Network

    Official website Citation from the website: Let's meet in Vault 13? :D
  3. H

    Fallout 2 mod Lootable armor mod for Restoration Project

    Even Killap never replied when I asked if it would be a good thing if somebody made Lootable armor mod compatible with Restoration project, I went ahead and made it compatible with RP. Statistics: total of 206 scripts edited, 152 RP scripts patched, 54 scripts only present in original F2...
  4. H

    tail does not match

    Tried decompiling some scripts present in lootable armour mod with Noid compiler, but every time I get: Error decompiling `': tail does not match Decompiling scripts from other mods seem to work. Any ideas?
  5. H

    Almost full F2 NPC descriptions

    I have compiled almost full Fallout2 most useful NPC descriptions, which also include skilldex and stats. NPCs described include: Sulik Cassidy Vic Myron Brain Bot (Skynet) Marcus Doc format (created with Open Office and not tested with MS Word): Mirror #1 Mirror #2 Mirror #3...
  6. H

    Friendly Klint in megamod 2.34

    All the Combat Control options supposed to be enabled according to this, but they are NOT. Actually ALL the combat options are disabled. Is there an easy way to fix that? BTW, his carry weight is enormously big and it shouldn't increase when using any armour except power...