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  1. Verevoof

    Is A New Game Even Necessary?

    Is it really necessary to make new games? Haven't you had enough?
  2. Verevoof

    Question to all vegetarians/vegans out there...

    I've been wondering... why are there vegetarian/vegan products out there that imitate meat? They look like meat, they try to mimic meat flavor, but really, whats the point if you have sworn off of meat for whatever reason, well, especially for ethical reasons. I just don't get it. Wouldn't...
  3. Verevoof

    Seriously, no wild west RPGs?

    I've been searching for a RPG with a wild west setting and can't seem to find one. Why? A good RPG could come out of a setting like that. Anyone know of any? I'm looking for a more historical type of deal, but wouldn't mind some fantastical elements. Doesn't even have to be a good game, I...
  4. Verevoof

    Let me get this straight...

    So, the main character, aka you, gets shot in the head, buried, and then somehow survives this ordeal in a post-apocalyptic wasteland with no hospitals, no sanitary medical equipment (or no medical equipment at all), but apparently some ghoul leakin' his ghoul juices and flakin' his ghoul skin...
  5. Verevoof

    Rejected Vault Boy art from Fallout 2

    Well, I was over at the ol' deviantart webhole when I came across Brian Menze's deviantart page. He just recently uploaded an unused, and well, according to Menze, the only rejected Vault Boy art from Fallout 2. So, without further ado, here our beloved Vault Boy, demonstrating the Child Killer...
  6. Verevoof

    Fallout:BoS Press Promotional Kit

    I know we don't talk about one of the more darker days in the Fallout franchise, but this is interesting I suppose. I stumbled upon an ebay auction for a Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel press kit, which consists of a water bottle with fancy FO:BoS label, a first aid kit, flashlight and batteries.
  7. Verevoof

    J.E. Sawyer breaks the game

    From New Vegas lead J.E. Sawyer's twitter.<blockquote>Did i just corrupt the .esm three days before going on a two week vacation? maybe. no big deal. wanna fight about it?</blockquote>Things not going too well?<blockquote>*deletes 200 forms from GECK*...
  8. Verevoof

    Wasteland animations?

    Anyone know where I can find some Wasteland animated .gifs or something? You know, the character/monster animated pictures. I know I've seen them somewhere before and it's bugging me that I can't find some.
  9. Verevoof

    Would cows really survive?

    I have often thought about this. Would cows actually survive a nuclear holocaust? Would cows survive even if people just disappeared? My answer is no. Domesticated animals, especially livestock, depend way too much on people. We have breed out their natural survival instincts. Plus, in the...
  10. Verevoof

    Fan made Fallout 3 movie trailer

    Seems that the kids today are all into the amateur movies. Here's two trailers from an upcoming(?) Fallout 3 fan made movie. Uhh...interesting. :lol: Very amateurish, just looks like a bunch of kids...
  11. Verevoof

    Brian Menze is selling original FO2 Vault Boy art

    Out of sheer boredom, I was looking at the Fallout stuff on ebay and came across two auctions from Brian Menze (allegedly :lol: ) selling some original Vault Boy art...
  12. Verevoof

    Should I change my major? (English to Game Design)

    Alright cats, I have a dilemma. I'm currently an English major (leaning more towards creative writing) and while it's fine and all I can't help but want to change my major to Game Design/Development. I just keep getting this desire to work on games, to create. I have no programing experience...
  13. Verevoof

    Need help getting Wing Commander to work properly.

    I just installed Wing Commander on my Windows 98 PC, and it runs way too fast. I tried googling the problem, and it only came up with solutions for newer operating systems. Is there some sort of patch out there to correct this?
  14. Verevoof

    Idea to make dog companions more valuable.

    I was recently reading Jack London's "To Build a Fire" and this idea just popped into my head. How about dog companions not only help you in combat, but can also help you more outside of combat. Canine senses are much better than humans', so I was thinking that characters with a dog following...
  15. Verevoof

    Day After Disaster on the History Channel

    I was watching the History Channel and some commercial came on that at first I thought was a Fallout 3 commercial. :lol: Apparently tonight at 8:00 PM they are running a show called Day After Disaster, which depicts the hypothetical situation of what if Washington D.C. was nuked? Here's a...
  16. Verevoof

    Fallout 1&2 brightness question.

    I installed Fallout 1 and 2 onto my new computer (running Windows Vista), with one of them widescreen LCD monitors. So the game looks kind of brighter than it should, daytime is not so bad, but nighttime, well, let's just say its barely night. More of like sunsetting at 0000 hour. :| I know...
  17. Verevoof

    Chris Avellone to speak at Game Developers Conference At the Game Developers Conference '09 in Austin, TX, Chris Avellone will be speaking in a 60-minute panel with other game designers/writers titled "Clash Of The Titans: Debating Gameplay vs. Story." I'm sure you can guess what...
  18. Verevoof

    Interplay needs a better proofreader.

    I was over at Interplay's website for Fallout, when I looked a bit more closely at their Fallout logo graphic: "Fallout: A Post NUCLAR Role Playing Game" :lol: I wonder if misspelling nuclear was done on purpose or they just didn't proofread their...
  19. Verevoof

    Is it normal...

    Is it normal to continue hearing the sounds and music of Fallout when not playing? Because thats whats going on in my head right now! :crazy: I just played for basically the entire day today; and the entire day yesterday. I started a melee weapons and big guns character, and I'm kickin' ass...
  20. Verevoof

    Demon's Souls

    Anyone else interested in Demon's Souls? It's a PS3 exclusive, so that might be a turnoff for some people. It's a Japanese RPG, only made like a Western RPG. Open-ended fantasy action RPG and all that jazz. The more interesting aspects are the online capabilities. Co-Op up to three players...