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  1. U

    Sfall's problem

    I'm using Sfall version 2.2. I use the Ofiicial Fallout2 mapper too. But when i launch F2, ther is The Interplay logo, Blackisle intro, and The main intro. But after, the Mainscreen is totally black, and i could'nt return to Windows... Please help me!
  2. U

    Editing Pre-made characters ?

    Hello, i don't know if these question was already posted, but i need to know if it's possible to modify the Pre-made chars. I mean, changing Age, sex, appearances, Skills, name, and Picture? Please answer soon!
  3. U

    Ultravox's ART: First wave!

    Hello guys! my name is ultravox, i'm french, and I like to mod Fallout2, one of my favorite game :) Anyway, i stop to bore you with my boring life, i created tis Topic, because i created some art. but YOU MUST know something: i'm a total noob in graphic art. These creations are made...