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    Fallout Tactics Redux Version 1.3

    Endocore: Redux (Fallout Tactics) __________ Name: Redux (mod for Fallout Tactics) Version: 1.3 Language: US Author: Endocore Release: ~2011 Website: NMA || moddb Copyright: Bethesda Softworks LLC. __________ Description: Redux - is a major revision of the Fallout Tactics from the ground up...
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    Legitimate Free Public License Music for Fallout Mods

    We have a great many active modders here at NMA, working hard on all the various Fallout games. Making a compelling mod is about more than scripts and sprites. Sound design is an essential element of any interactive electronic game. We all need to advance to the next level, gentlemen, and stop...
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    Help make a better game for everyone: participate in Fallout Tactics Redux.

    A new and major update of my mod Fallout Tactics Redux will be released in a month or less. I'm having trouble with three specific problems, and have decided to give up on all three of these. If anyone would like to participate by helping me with these issues, you'll have the gratitude of the...
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    NMA Decides the fate of the Reaver Elders!

    I've looked closely into this matter of the Reaver Elders in the Newton mission not exiting vehicles, and therefore causing a horrible bug that makes them permanently join your team of soldiers after the mission if they are in a vehicle when they reach their destination zone. I tried a number...
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    Disasters with negative floating point values

    I'm not sure what to say about something I found, except that it seems inconsolably bad and I'm hoping one of our programming gurus can make some sense of it, because I have no idea what's going on with Fallout 2's calculations. Please try the following examples in a script of your choice...
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    Pack o' Scripts #1 for FO2 RP 2.3+

    I spend a lot of time modding Fallout 2, using killap's Fallout 2 Restoration Project as a base for my own game. I've got loads of material I'll release eventually (whenever it's done), but I recently considered whether I have any stand-alone material which could benefit everyone in the...
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    Play Sfall Sound

    Has anyone ever successfully used this function to play a sound during gameplay? After researching everything that's ever been written in our forum on the subject, I have my doubts-- my impression is that this function doesn't work, but that even if it did no one knows how to deploy it. I also...
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    Better Random Traders (for RP)

    I was looking at the random encounter caravan boss scripts and noticed a significant number of originally intended (i.e. from BIS) dialogue options based on the Chosen One's reputation and deeds that aren't used due to bugs. These bugs are the typical thing I've mentioned before, errors...
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    Ardin, Slim, and Nomad Lore

    Here are a few more simple mods for RP 2.3 or greater. --Random encounter nomad chieftains now offer conversation about wasteland lore and rumors, and solicit rumors from the pc (related to the current state of the Chosen One's adventures) to spread to other nomads. They also have new minor...
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    Dogmeat: Tricks and Treats

    Dogmeat is a surly son of a bitch, but even he likes to relax sometimes. Here's a simple mod almost anyone can use with minimal effort. The Chosen One can now play games (fetch and tug of war) with his favorite pet, try to teach Dogmeat some basic doggie tricks, and reward the mutt with treats...
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    Shania of Arroyo

    Shania of Arroyo Over the years many players (including myself) have complained about the basic narrative of Fallout 2: why should the Chosen One try to save Arroyo when everyone there is a jerk? Shania of Arroyo is an attempt to address this issue by adding a friendly character to the tribe...
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    Alt-Miria Mod Updated for Restoration Project 2.3

    As Author, Visionary, Dreamweaver... plus Actor once said: I've updated my alternate Miria mod for compatibility with killap's RP 2.3. The mod is available here, and includes all necessary files as well as the addition of combat taunts I long ago wrote for Miria. The mod has been tested...
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    Novel Nostalgia: Space 1889

    (NMA has readers all over the globe, as well as of all ages. In the Victorian spirit of self-improvement, hyperlinks in the text below are offered regarding potentially esoteric notions, largely as suggestions or opportunities of exploration for those who may be a bit foggy regarding, or...
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    Cleverly Conceived Cat's Paws

    I want to proliferate relics of the former Cat's Paw publishing/rubber band/glue* empire that dominated the gentlemen's magazine trade before the Apocalypse. Yet my usual wittiness and eloquence in such matters seems absconded for the moment, so I thought perhaps we could make this a group...
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    Scripting npc interactivity over long periods of time

    I've been trying to get the Fallout 2 scripting language down lately as I've been doing some minor modding of my RP 1.2 installation, and I'm hoping someone can give me a few pointers. I mostly like to add small, subtle things to the game that enhance the roleplaying aspect (which is what I...