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  1. phobos2077

    Fallout 2 mod Steal mechanic tweaks

    So as I work on EcCo I finally decided to do something about stealing mechanics. Vanilla stealing just doesn't work. I'm at 18% skill and can easily steal stuff, chances are just too high. So I dig into engine how it works and found it to be strange: - First it calculates a chance modifier...
  2. phobos2077

    My attempt to fix FO2 damage formula ("Vanilla+" Ammo Mod)

    It has become a community tradition for people to take their shot at Fallout damage calculation, to fix that AP ammo issue, among other things. So here is my attempt... How I got to this I had a mod called EcCo that I was working on around 2012-2015. Because I decided I want more "realism"...
  3. phobos2077

    Using Mod Organizer 2 for Fallout 2 modding

    So I tried to see how feasible it is to use MO2 for Fallout 2. For those who don't know, it's a very popular software that allows to complex mod setups with ease, adding, removing, merging mods, etc. It's what people use to play modded New Vegas nowadays, as well as many other games. Basically a...
  4. phobos2077

    Improved Scripting Tools (SSL+ and Script Editor)

    I've been working for some time on improving Timeslip's Script Editor, as well as sslc compiler and Anchorite's int2ssl decompiler. Many cool new features were already implemented by Timeslip, some didn't work though, so I had to fix them. Now I want to introduce some of the new SSL...
  5. phobos2077

    How to mod level progression speed in 10 minutes

    How to slow down level progression in 10 minutes Ever though that levels progress too fast? Not enough challenge in late game? Well look no further, because for a long time there was a rarely mentioned setting in Sfall's ddraw.ini: XPTable. It allows you to change experience requirement for...
  6. phobos2077

    sfall arrays (scripting) introduction

    So I've been working to add some new features to sfall arrays for some time now (they will hopefully be in sfall 3.4). As I'm currently on a final stage (testing) I've decided to make a little introduction. Reason for this thread: 1) introduce array concept to scripters who never used it...
  7. phobos2077

    Fallout 2 Interactive Random Encounter Map (HTML)

    I've made a world map to see what random encounters are on what tile of the map. It's a crude 1 day work (most time spent studying python and parsing data), maybe I'll improve it later. Showcase: (currently contains data from EcCo mod v0.6.1) Download...
  8. phobos2077

    Fallout 2 utility My Modding Tools

    Useful SSL Libraries and Modding Tools I created this thread to share and discuss SSL scripting libraries (headers) and functions that could be used between scripters and different mods. Benefits that I see from such effort: a lot of very useful high-level procedures, constants and macros...
  9. phobos2077

    Fallout 2 mod EcCo Gameplay Overhaul (new version for RPU)

    In short, this is a conservative gameplay overhaul. Design goals: make more skills useful, to make non-standard builds more viable (Barter, Throwing, Melee, Repair, etc.) add a little more challenge to the combat, barter and other aspects of the game, without any "hardcore" make most weapons...