Search results

  1. MKSaibot

    Fallout 4 Engine looks to support a Chicago Typewriter 'Tommy Gun'

    Fallout 3/NV's engine couldn't support a Chicago Typewriter, and that is why their wasn't one in the game. Honest Hearts had .45 ammo, .45 pistol, .45 Thompson smg, but not a Chicago Typewriter or 'Tommy Gun'. You could download a mod with a Tommy Gun obviously, but for what ever reason it was...
  2. MKSaibot

    Canceled Darth Maul game might come back

    I have read through the Reddit that they refer to here, and I definitely hope that Red Fly gets a chance to finish the game in Unreal 4. The developer is also definitely more fans of the Sith then the Jedi which is a plus for me. They really want to do a Darth Maul game, literally the ONLY good...
  3. MKSaibot

    What BoS division do you speculate is in Boston?

    Taking in Fallout 1, 2, Tactics, Fallout 3, and everything you know about Fallout 4 right now, I would like to ask a question. This personally interest me a lot, as I don't know why, but Fallout Tactics had a pretty good impact on me when I played it back in the day, not as much as Fallout 2 had...
  4. MKSaibot

    NMA, the Doom and Gloom Fallout Community, Hello!

    No one get offended, everyone calm down, its a half joke? You guys do know that Fallout 4 is the first truly open world Fallout game? We know this? Well in case anyone doesn't. In Skyrim if you say wanted to walk into a major city without a loading, you had to download a mod called "Open...
  5. MKSaibot

    Can anyone confirm this? (Tommy Gun)

    6th page that ive linked, scroll up almost to were someone say's "The esteemed Mr. J. E. Sawyer himself said there would be a Thompson, so this post is now invalidated." He didn't give us a link and I haven't...
  6. MKSaibot

    What do you use to compress AVI vid files?

    I use Fraps and it records really good quality & then I use windows live movie maker to upload it to youtube. The quality goes to sh!t when it gets uploaded on youtube, what is the best I can compress my video's down to for youtube from avi? Here is a example, a WoW pvp test vid I uploaded...
  7. MKSaibot

    Fallout 1 Resolution Patch doesn't exist help?

    The Fallout 1 resolution patch say's doesn't exist, didn't find anything on search any help appreacited thanks!
  8. MKSaibot

    Create your movie or game character for your F: New Vegas

    Ok maybe its a little too early for this thread with the game being 5 months away hah but posting it now anyway . . . Ok its simple, some people like to create & come up with there own character all together but some get inspiration from characters in other video games, comic's or movies...