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  1. Makta

    What kind of fuckery is this? Found this while checking out a location on the wiki hehe.

    First page that had this and i first thought the whole thing got fucked. For anyone interessted:
  2. Makta

    Changed Farsight in the editor and everything saves except looks.

    Replaced boring old Farsight with a new character and everything i did in the editor but the looks are saved, She still has the same hair color etc as the OG Farsight instead of what i used in the editor. My guess is that you actually have to fix this on the mission map aswell? Never really...
  3. Makta

    The bugs have arrived! Help with i put a spell on you?

    Nvm found a workaround.
  4. Makta

    Time to go back to the desert after many years! Skill/special checks?

    Remeber certain checks not popping up unless you had the right stats for it, Asked around on reddit but they just looked at me like i was crazy but i am 100% sure at least some of them where hidden untill you had the right stats. Maybe it was just S.P.E.C.I.A.L's? Also since my new run will be...
  5. Makta

    Need help figuring out a game from around the gamecube era? Murderers?

    The verry little i remeber was my friend playing this game and at a certain part he was in a house/appartment and there was a heavier guy/murderer who was a pyromaniac or suchs. I know this is little to go on but it was probably on the game cube but the only title i remeber that "could" have...
  6. Makta

    Steam sale is still going on, what did YOU buy or what are you thinking of picking up?

    Been a long long time since i last decided to waste money on a steam sale besides random cheap dlc's and suchs but now i had extra income and nothing to play. What Remains of Edith Finch Short story driven walking sim? But it is/looks so good. Also made by norwegians so i had to fund my...
  7. Makta

    Looking for a cheap "ish" used phone for my friend! durability + battery time + good/decent camera.

    Seeing how my friend has been using a non smartphone for ages i gave him my previous one for cheap 2 years ago. Sadly that beast had 2 major problems. 1 being too big and 2 being a really shitty battery time. Now i'm currently using an samsung xcover 3 myself and he seems to be really...
  8. Makta

    Steam summer sale YAY!... Or not really! What have you bought?

    So once again the summer sale has been on steam and once again i had problems finding anything worthwhile TBH. I did pick up 2 random "shit" dlc's for less than 1 euro each and another one that added some gameplay to a game i played. Besides that i did pick up the Mount & Blade bundle but...
  9. Makta

    Chivalry: Medieval Warfare free on steam for a while.

    I know most of us aren't interessted in the game but some might be. Just add the game and it will remain on your account forever. If not for the game you could at least get some free cards
  10. Makta

    Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade It is not "really" the full game but you can play it online and it counts as +1 game on steam and if this crap isn't something you would play at...
  11. Makta

    Fixing A Computer For A Friend! No Signal Detected

    Long story short. I fixed my new computer and decided to sell off my old stuff to a friend. I popped in some new ram a new PSU and a new GPU. Once i connected it all i started it up but no picture came up. Tried swapping to the second contact but same there and a bit later i even tried the...
  12. Makta

    Want to play Xcom 2? Are you as cheap as i am? 12 euro and you will get it + some "hidden" games that you will recive in a month. From my uderstanding this is the cheapest it has ever been and you get a bonus wich can be really good. Just a heads up for those of you who might not have bought it yet.
  13. Makta

    Neverwinter nights diamond edition free on GOG! Been waiting for it to get on a sale but it looks like you can't beat this price :P Edit: You can also get a few other games "free" by checking in daily sharing shit on facebook buying games etc. Edit 2: Looks like you have to click...
  14. Makta

    I just got an urge to play Metro 4!... I mean Fallout 4! Saw a post from PC gamer about this mod and it sounds really interessting. High radiation on the surface so you need to scavage down the sewers before you can head out and try to survive shortly after the bombs fell.. Sounds fun? Yes! I will...
  15. Makta

    Just a heads up for all you Battlefield 4 and Titanfall players out there!

    Currently all Battlefield 4 + Titanfall DLC are free on Origin for a few days so head over there and grab em all.
  16. Makta

    I don't usually get hyped.. But Warhammer 40k = Hype!

    I can't wait to try this out as it looks like a lot of fun.. First time in ages i really look forward to a Warhammer game.
  17. Makta

    Bioshock is getting remastered.. Free for all of us who allready got it! Not sure if i care enough seeing how i am almost 100% done with all 3 games right now but it doesn't cost me anything so why not.
  18. Makta

    Curious about the big boxes.. Fallout 1 only i guess?

    I used to own the big box for F2 back in the days but seeing how it is long gone i've been poking around a bit and found something a bit off when it comes to the big box for F1. This is how i remeber them being. But i've seen quite a few like this one. Is there any big difference? I guess...
  19. Makta

    Asus USB-N53 problems..

    This is the one i'm using i can't use the disc i got but i did take the latest drivers and even tried their utility program. The program is crap and probably more of a problem compared to the rest. This is the device in the device manager and the second...
  20. Makta

    Praise Talos! More vampires incomming? The good ones! It is not certain but still.. A little hope is better than no hope! Been hoping for a new game since i first tried VTMB.