Search results

  1. Millim

    MilliM says the N-Word

    Be here on the 2nd June 2023 at 5.37pm GMT as Millim prepares to say the greatest word of all time. The question is, can you handle it?
  2. Millim

    Best Fallout Game

    Okay gang, which is the best Fallout game? Which has the best writing, most creative character creation and the best quests? Remember, there are no wrong answers!
  3. Millim

    Why E3 should just die

    As I've grown older and become more cynical, I've realised the more cynical intentions of the gaming industry. It's the only industry that generates hype years in advance. The nearest that comes to this is Disney with their endless horde of Marvel and Star Wars properties. But at least they give...
  4. Millim

    Bethesda port Doom to Switch, still managed to fuck it up

    So.... Bethesda has decided to add in their DRM in a 26 year old game, by making you sign up to their crappy Bethesda.Net just so you can play Doom, a game with no online compatibility. Congratulations Bethesda.
  5. Millim

    Sector 13

    Well, this is my long awaited spiritual successor to "No Mutant's Sky", that weird porno I wrote a few years ago that went into weird directions. Anyway, this is a completely original thing that I plan to keep up with for a few years. It's more of what you'd expect. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this...
  6. Millim

    Now this is some good fucking content.

    So apparently Poland are giving Fallout 76 away for free when you buy dumplings. I'm hoping this real.
  7. Millim

    Channel Awesome: Finale

    Is anyone else following this piece of Internet drama? I understand most of you probably don't care about drama or CA, but considering how influential CA was for the rise of the Internet, it's both entertaining and entirely depressing. Jew Wario turned out to be a pedo, only two people remain...
  8. Millim

    Word Association Game

    So this used to be a thread on a Forum I was on years ago and it was kinda fun. Rules are simple, just do word that associates with the previous. I'll start with that associates toward me... Pitiful
  9. Millim

    Fallout Legacy: Pilot

    So here's my new FanFic series, hopefully I'll take this one more seriously than others I've done. But yeah, I'm just doing the whole actual Pilot thing and just seeing how well this first chapter does. If it does well, then I'll probably put the rest of the series out in a few months (on a...
  10. Millim

    Fallout Essay (things) series

    So seeing as how it's both the 20th anniversary of this series and I'm kind of sad at analysing these sorts of things, I've decided to do a series of in-depth looks at different topics in the games. This is the first of hopefully many (I have a few ideas rattling around), and I hope you all...
  11. Millim

    Your Holy Trinity

    So I've seen the term 'Holy Trinity' get used a lot when talking about games and I wondered what some of your guys Holy Trinity is. This isn't the best games of even your personal favourite, but more those with the biggest impact and an ever lasting legacy. I currently have two. The first is...
  12. Millim

    Elder Scrolls VI leak

    Sounds like true art.
  13. Millim

    Lets do this (II)

    So I'm just seeing who would be up for having a practise session on Tuesday for the Fallout PnP? And if we should use Discord, Skype or Google Hangout
  14. Millim

    Fallout RPG Session: Lets do this

    It's that time of year again where I talk about a Fallout RPG but don't actually do it. This time however, I'm actually up for it. So we've talked about this for a long time now, but should we finally get this RPG down and dusted? (Btw, has anyone got Discord? I think that would be a pretty...
  15. Millim

    New Year's Resolutions

    So yeah, anyone got any of those shitty ass resolution things that they will break in two weeks? Any interesting ones as well? I've decided that this year I'm going to at least hit the Gym more often, not even a "lose weight" resolution, just go to the Gym more often. There's also read more, I...
  16. Millim

    Finally, I found a use for my copy of Fallout 4

    I'm gonna sell it so I can repair my phone.
  17. Millim

    Why must life be so cruel?
  18. Millim

    Civ 5

    I was wondering if anyone else had Civ 5 and if you guys wanted to play sometime? (I've had it for months and only put in about 12 hours of it). Like we could link up once a week or so and just play through Civ.
  19. Millim

    Planescape Torment: Framerate issues

    Hey, I've been having some issue trying to get my copy of Planescape Torment working properly on my laptop. It runs, except the framerate is just really bad. My specs are Video Card: AMD Radeon(TM) R5 Graphics CPU: AMD A8-7410 APU with AMD Radeon R5 RAM: 8GB Processor: AMD A8-7410 So yeah...
  20. Millim

    Best YouTube Lets Play/Reviewer

    So we've got our glittering gems of hatred out of the way. But what are some of your favourite YouTube Reviewers/Lets Players? I think in terms of reviews, I enjoy DWTerminator (even through I disagree with him on more than a few things), Superbunnyhop does at least do honest reviews and never...