Search results

  1. Akratus

    Character faces

    Does this look like the person I tried so very, very hard (and quite long) to replicate? I'd love to see if anyone guesses correctly, without looking at the spoiler below. Here's who I tried to replicate: I also made one based off Kenshiro from Fist of the North Star, but I've never seen...
  2. Akratus

    The Non-American Politics Thread

    I have aped many a criticism of american policies, because it is easy to pick those things up on the internet. But I am woefully ignorant of the politics of my own 'continent' and even my country. I've found it hard to find reliable sources of smart commentary on the political situation of...
  3. Akratus

    It all comes tumbling down, tumbling down. 5.2 userscore as of now. -Gamespeed is tied to FPS -Game is fucked on PS4 -Everyone's immortal -Dialogue system's fucked -Writing's fucked -Texture quality is iffy -Many, many bugs and technical problems -Restrictive options on pc (fov/fps is locked...
  4. Akratus

    New Vegas fan videos

  5. Akratus

    Tumblr users drive girl to suicide attempt So yeah it seems to me like no matter what ideology one aspires to, there's always going to be terrible people. There really is no solution for shitty behavior I think, though I can reiterate what I think is a need for most people...
  6. Akratus


    I wanna get in on that. I went to candyland for the first time today, oh I mean the liquor store. I've got a romantic image of irish whiskey from listening to all those Dubliners drinking songs so I'm eyeing Jameson. But what's a good first-time drinker gameplan? I've had Vat 69 before which...
  7. Akratus

    Wasteland 2 portrait thread.

    Just shopped these:
  8. Akratus

    Hassknecht's promotion

    Deutsches partyzeit! Hassknecht is a mod now, rejoice!
  9. Akratus

    Rate the Trailers So I was watching the Lonesome Road trailer, and just thought that that awesomeness needed to be spread. So while I'm at it I might as well replicate the 'Rate the DLC' thread, I thought. Since that one was so...
  10. Akratus

    The north pond hermit

    Guy survived without human contact for 27 years, living off things stolen from places around the area. He said he'd last had contact with another person in the nineties. Passed a person walking down the road, said 'hi' to him. And that's all. Lived in the woods since he was 19. Still had the...
  11. Akratus

    The personal recommendation thread

    Here's a thread for, when you find something particularly interesting on the internet, be it a movie, song, series, picture, or what have you, you want to recommend it to a particular user on this forum. I'll start it off by recommending this excellent danish Mads Mikkelsen vehicle to @Sander...
  12. Akratus

    Sketch comedy

    I just found out about this youtube group that does sketches, and I sure love it. Then there's the classics, like the Whitest Kids U' Know, and Monty Python. Which videos do you want to splurge on? Because I want them. Splooge the hot sticky comedy over my face.
  13. Akratus

    Buying a PS3

    I'm a life-long PC gamer, but my friend has offered me his PS3, plus some games I'm not that interested in (Skyrim, GTA V, Bioshock) for 100 euros. I can get Red Dead for 20, Demon's Souls for 20, and Metal Gear Solid Legacy Collection for 25. I want to know if I'm likely to be satisfied with...
  14. Akratus

    A public service announcement from your friendly forumite Akratus.

    A man who does not partake in online political discussions: A man who does: This has been a service announcement from your friendly fellow forum user Akratus.
  15. Akratus

    Terrorist attack on French satirical magazine When one speaks of the existence, to at least a certain extent, of a violent culture in the religion of islam, one all too easily falls into the trap of a racist or islamophobe. Now I'm not saying that this and the rest of violent islamic history...
  16. Akratus

    Smell induced nostalgia

    There's this thing scientists found out, that your nose has a direct link to your memories. We all have those smells that remind us of maybe, playing a certain game, or it reminds us of a certain song. Those specific smells like car smells, or the smell of your grandparents' house. These...
  17. Akratus

    The Roleplaying Board

    The Dutch ghost recently started a roleplay thread based on a completely handcrafted fallout setting. I hoped that despite the lack of interest towards the roleplaying board would not hinder it's success. Seems I was wrong. Depending on how one defines success, of course. I'd be more interesting...
  18. Akratus

    Comic books

    Or do you prefer "Graphic Novel"? Either way, I'd like to discuss them. Because I'm not very familiar with comic book territory. I own a hardcover Watchmen book, and all six hardcover library editions of Hellboy. I also want to explore Alan Moore's work more, in V for Vendetta and maybe...
  19. Akratus

    The Symphony of Science

    Anyone else a fan? For those who don't know, there's this youtuber who calls himself "MelodySheep" who uses autotune to create something actually good! Here's my favorite of his: And here's a playlist of the whole thing:
  20. Akratus

    Praise for 'The Pitt' DLC

    It seems like the Pitt dlc is praised most of all of them, besides Point Lookout. I think the other 3 aren't really worth mentioning almost at all. But why is the Pitt praised? Yes, it has two sides, and a central choice, surprisingly. But I think that the choice doesn't have proper...