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  1. Reinar

    Fallout Tactics mod Children of the Apocalypse 1

    Children of the Apocalypse 1: Enhanced Edition Fight for ideals and a chance to build new, better civilization. Help the utopistic Children of the Apocalypse in their struggle against the darkness. A path of blood awaits you. Download here: After...
  2. Reinar

    Campaign editor tutorial

    Hey guys, after a long time, I finally persuaded myself to write a tutorial for the campaign editor. Don't know if anyone will use it, but here you go. I also included some less-known stuff you can do that's not about campaigns. It's a first version, worked on it just today. I might add /...
  3. Reinar

    Firefly Tactics

    Few weeks back, when I was finishing FT: Crusade and watching Battlestar Galactica, I had an idea of moving Fallout Tactics into space. Then I realized the Firefly setting is perfect for this. A lot of planets of different terrain types, mostly arid, which is good considering what tilesets are...
  4. Reinar

    Fallout Tactics mod Fallout: Crusade (1.0)

    After a while, I am back with another FT campaign. It's not finished yet, but I am almost there. Thanks to Weyland and his interest in translating my first campaign. I replayed it and it sparked my interest in finishing this one, which has been in the work since late 2015, immediately after...
  5. Reinar

    Tag on main character throughout campaign: How to

    Aaaand me once again :D I was fiddling today with my new campaign and I found out how to keep tag on your main character between missions. Each map you have has its "sister" porting map. On this porting map is just a "main dude only" spawn point with the tag you want to use, presumably...
  6. Reinar

    Yet another dialogue tree

    Hi guys, I came up with a pretty simple dialogue tree. It's quite easy to set up, but you can have at most 3 choices. Good thing is it's reusable (you can talk to the NPC again and again) and isn't depending on NPC position. Also, you need just the vanilla FT. It's easy to put in some stat/skill...
  7. Reinar

    Fallout Tactics mod Children of the Apocalypse 2 (1.1)

    Hi, I present you a new FT campaign, Children of the Apocalypse 2. Yes, two. Some might remember there was another campaign few years back (showthread.php?185077-Deti-Apokalypsy-English-Translation). I am the guy behind it. We were two brothers wanting to create something cool back in the days...