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  1. Knight Captain Kerr

    Shamus Young "The Blistering Stupidity of Fallout 3"

    Some of you might have already heard of Shamus Young. He's a person who talks about video games on the internet, he's talked about Fallout a few times. Anyway he's starting a new series of columns on his website called "The Blistering Stupidity of Fallout 3" where he is criticizing Fallout 3...
  2. Knight Captain Kerr

    Vaults in Canada

    Canada was annexed by America and the annexation was completed in January 2076. In Fallout 3 there was a letter in a mailbox in Springvale that read as follows: So what do you think, could there be Vaults in Canada?
  3. Knight Captain Kerr

    Deathclaw Life Expectancy

    I am wondering if anyone knows the age a deathclaw would live to in the wild. This is assuming they die of natural causes.
  4. Knight Captain Kerr

    Sexuality in Fallout

    I think the Fallout series has some of the best homosexual and bisexual characters in all media. The thing is the sexuality of the characters is unimportant, as it should be. I know plenty of people who played Fallout: New Vegas and didn't know Arcade Gannon was gay. It isn't surprising that...