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  1. oxidize

    How exactly does the combat work?

    When I want to attack someone, what exactly happens? I mean the player shouldn't be able to always attack first, right? Like I'm just gonna take my gun out and shoot someone, so I'm always first. Is that possible? Lets look at this pic: If I decide to attack one of those two guards now, what...
  2. oxidize

    Is there a mod that allows total companion control?

    Well? Is there? I mean primarily for FO2. So you can control Sulik and others.
  3. oxidize

    Is it possible to build a Fallout Vault with today's technology?

    In sense that the vault is fully self sufficient and can be a home to at least hundred people for tens of years. Discuss.
  4. oxidize

    Critters and weapons modding

    I need to know if I change some weapon in f2wedit, does it apply on all critters that carry that weapon? For example I change Bozar to single shot sniper. Does that mean all critters carrying it will get the new Bozar?
  5. oxidize

    Question about grenades in Fallout 2

    I want to know how do they do damage. I mean how is the damage calculated. How big is the area of explosion(in hexes). Do you think grenades are underpowered in game? I've seen a mod that makes grenades do more damage, so I was wondering if this is good.
  6. oxidize

    Yellow memory module - only for good characters?

    I read in some places that evil characters can't increase their IN with this module. Why is that? I am making a new char. so I need to know exactly how many points I will be able to raise my stats during game. And another question related to this: How can I increase my LK and IN at Hubologists...
  7. oxidize

    Is Wasteland 2 going to be hex grid or square grid?

    Will it be like FO2 ? How did this work in FO: T ?
  8. oxidize

    How do you think W2 is going to compare to FO2 ?

    I think Fallout 2 is going to be better gameplay wise. Why? Because in W2 you'll be forced to play with a party which automatically makes the world less open, story more linear etc. I mean, you won't have as many options as you did in Fallout. I think one character gameplay with an option to...
  9. oxidize

    FO 2: can I wait for better perks?

    when I get "choose a perk" option, can I delay it for later? Until some better perks appear? or do I lose it if I don't choose it right away?
  10. oxidize

    Need help, game crashes on entering Vault city

    Why does this happen? here's the error: I am using RP 2.1.2
  11. oxidize

    How to give more ammo to random encounter critters?

    I noticed that most of the critters from random encounters don't carry any spare ammo. How do I change this and give them a magazine or two? And also, if I change ammo magazine size from 24 to 4 for example will it be changed in critters who carry that spare ammo in random encounters ?
  12. oxidize

    Armor should get damaged with use

    I hope someone makes a mod that will make armor on the player get damaged. For example the more you are hit, the more damaged it gets. And it can become useless if it gets too damaged. It shouldn't get damaged just from time, but only from getting hit. You should be able to repair it yourself...
  13. oxidize

    Question about f2wedit

    When I change some armor in f2wedit, like change it's DR, AC or DT, does that effect everyone in the game who wears that armor or just me? It changes values on all armors of that type in the game? When some guy in game is looking like he's wearing metal armor, is he really wearing it?
  14. oxidize

    Evil mod for Fallout 2

    Just an idea. I think that Fallout 2, while having very open world compared to other games is still made mainly for good characters. The only really evil stuff you can do in game is becoming a slaver. I would like to see a mod in which you could do much more evil things and where you could maybe...
  15. oxidize

    How to show grid in Fallout?

    I need to know how to do this:
  16. oxidize

    Does F2wedit work with Restoration project?

    I found this awesome tool that lets you change weapon or ammo as you wish so I was wondering will Restoration project or YAAM mods work with this? I mean, can I change some weapon in this and still play with those mods?