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  1. FOvet

    Is there a way to run this windowed like with Fallout 2?

    So I downloaded Tactics awhile ago from GoG back when they were offering all 3 of them for free--1, 2, and Tactics. Now I'm wondering if I can run Fallout Tactics in windowed mode? I have been trying to find a way to do this, but in the video configuration options, I don't yet see anything, and...
  2. FOvet

    THIS should be the next Fallout Title song!!!

    I first heard this song and I thought of Fallout instantly. How amazing if this were the title song to the next Fallout? It was written in 59 and the lyrics are just perfect! It is also a great song for a laugh! Come on NMA, what ya think--good title song for the series? xD xD
  3. FOvet

    Might seem like an odd question (free video editing software)

    So I'll explain what I want to DO first. I am a huge fan of the Hunger Games (both books and movies so far), and I wanted to make a tribute (no pun intended) to the character Rue, by overlaying the song "safe and sound" with various video clips of Rue--and Rue and Katniss together. I thought...
  4. FOvet

    To Mod or not to Mod?

    I'm a new FO Tactics player, and I was wondering if there are any mods that you guys would recommend for a first playthrough? I'm familiar with FO1 and FO2, but I never had the chance to pick up Tactics as a kid--but now I have it <333 I already use the High Resolution patch, so any other...
  5. FOvet

    Metal Gear Solid 4: A discussion :)

    Okay, I felt I had to make this, A-because I'm a huge fan of the MGS series, and B-because it seems a LOT of people have something to say about this wonderful game (or shitty game depending on your PoV). So, I want to see all the opinions. Air them out! Metal Gear Solid 4: Discuss! I loved...
  6. FOvet

    To All FO2 modders out there; an idea!

    I had an idea for what I think would be a simple mod (if there is a such thing) for FO2. Someone mentioned on another forum how everyone in the world seems to have forgotten how to make a simple bow or crossbow. I have thought this for some time myself; hence my weapon mod idea. How about...
  7. FOvet

    I'm reading the FO bible, and already found an oddity...

    Okay, I downloaded the FObible from the files here at NMA, and for the first time ever, am reading it. Already, less than 10 pages in, I found something that doesn't quite fit with what we've seen in the FO series, and was wondering if you guys could shed some light on it. Here's an excerpt from...
  8. FOvet

    Shattered Dreams (A fan fiction in the DC area)

    Notice I avoided saying this is a FO 3 fan fic. This is because it isn't. While it takes place in the DC area, and it IS based on FO3, it takes place prior to the events of FO3, (and even during later), but the story never revolves around the wanderer from vault 101. Nor does the story deal much...
  9. FOvet

    Which FO critter annoys you most?

    Of all FO games, which enemy/critter do you find the most annoying? I don't mean which is strongest, or which you fear more, I mean which one just annoys the shit out of you? For me, it HAS to be the albino/giant radscorpions. The giant variety annoyed the piss out of me in FO2, and they are...
  10. FOvet

    Fallout Freestyle (poetry)

    We have a Fallout Haiku, so I thought we could use a good freestyle poetry thread! Just like the Haiku thread, follow the topic that the last poster assigns for the next poem. Haiku is fun, but sometimes freestyle can me more expressive! I will start: Dogs, Dogs, a ferocious pack! I flee...
  11. FOvet

    Shattered Wasteland

    Kira Lenne removed the tin canteen from her hip, taking a long draw of water from the flask. She sighed, gazing at the endless desert surrounding her, the flat plains broken by sparse hills and what passed for treese these days. Still 3 days travel from Broken Hills, she was running low on...
  12. FOvet

    Shattered Wasteland OOC

    This is the OOC for Shattered Wasteland, my first attempt at an RP of my own. It takes place mere months after Fallout 2; and there is no specific storyline--it is whatever we make it as we go along. It's a story about people, about survival, about trying to stay alive in an environment where...
  13. FOvet

    What would you think of a hunger games based video game?

    I read the hunger games trilogy a few months ago, and I fell in love with it. The plot, the characters, the easily became my favorit book, surpassing the Harry Potter books for me (I know, Harry Potter is meant more for children than adults, but the story is very appealing, I...
  14. FOvet

    DC BoS vs. 'General Bos' (informative)

    I have seen people at many forums mistakenly believe that FO3 'ruined' the BoS, that they portrayed the BoS as 'saving the wastelnand' or 'saints' when they really aren't like that at all. What I want to do with this topic is explain a concept that so many people seem to miss (though how is...
  15. FOvet

    What is YOUR mafioso nic?

    To all who joined a , New Reno family, what family did you pick, and what is your characters nicname; and why did you choose said nickname? My character Arianna, she joined the Wright Family, as she is a good karma character, who tries to make the "wright" :D decisions. She is not only a...
  16. FOvet

    Question about FO2 modding (no experience at all)

    I've never modded anything in my life, nor do I know anything about programming...but I would at least like to be able to make new FO2 NPCs, or edit existing ones... my question is, is this even possible for someone like myself who knows absolutely nothing about it? Is it hard to do and...