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  1. H

    IS Fallout New Vegas better than 4?

  2. H

    Why do all creatures have the same names everywhere?

    So how do you explain why yao guais are called yao guais in the Zion Canyon and the East Coast? Seems odd that people across the country from each other would call them by the same names. Same goes for Deathclaws.
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    The Definitive Fallout universe timeline The invention of Nuka Cola is a more important event than the entirety of the first and second Fallout game.
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    New Vegas intro music?

    What's the name of the song by Inon Zur playing during the opening cinematic? I can't seem to find it anywhere.
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    Why didn't the V13 Overseer send a team out?

    So why didn't the Vault 13 Overseer just send a team of vault dwellers to look for the water chip instead of one person at a time? Wouldn't it be smarter to send out a team that can work together to increase chances of success and survival?
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    T-60 Power Armor figure being made by threezero Looks pretty awesome
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    Fallout movie

    How would you do a Fallout movie? Would it be based off the stories from the game or be a new story canon to the games? If it was based off the first game how could the story be adapted into a movie and how would side quest storylines fit in?
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    Fallout 2 Tanker music

    Anyone know the name of the song that plays in Fallout 2 when you head to the Enclave and also when you blow up the Enclave base? How come its not on the Mark Morgan Fallout soundtrack?
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    Fallout 4 dialogue>Fallout 1 dialogue This is gonna piss a lot of people off.
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    Funniest glitch ever discovered

    this only works on the PC version of Fallout 3 and New Vegas since you need console commands First you open console commands and select any NPC. Then put the following lines in the commands in this order: 1) kill 2) setscale 10 3) resurrect 4) setscale 1 5) kill then exit console commands and...
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    Fallout 2 Tanker music?

    Does anyone know the name of the song that plays when the tanker goes to the oil rig and when the oil rig explodes? Also does anyone know the song that plays in the abbey, that church place that was cut from the game?
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    New Vegas start up crash

    When I launch New Vegas, right when the Bethesda logo shows up the loading cursor is still there and my game minimizes. The music is still playing but when I try opening it up again steam starts launching it and I get an error telling me new vegas is already open. It starts up normally when I...
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    Messed up dialogue

    I was making a companion mod, but I just gave up on that so I deleted the esp file. I apparently messed up the game a bit. When you talk to Boone, normally you say "I think I should head on without you, then the options show up to dismiss him or say never mind. The options for dismiss and never...
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    Wheres the chosen one during the events of new vegas?

    Where do you think the chosen one is during 2282 and what do you think he's doing? Still living in Arroyo or exploring the wasteland? He should still be alive and he should be around 60 years old. I had this theory that no bark noonan was the chosen one. No one remembers his real name, he's the...
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    vault boy looks different

    I just now noticed how vault boy looks way different i the first 2 fallout games and fallout 3. The old vault boy has bigger eyes and a different shaped body and he's genrally more expressive. The new vault boy pictures in new vegas are identical to fallout 1 and 2 though. Am I the only one who...
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    Fallout 2 cut cutscenes

    I read in the Fallout wiki that there were cutscenes that were cut from the game that had meeting Gruthar for the first time, getting the car, and going to Navarro on a vertibird. Are they anywhere to be found in the game files or is there a video of them somewhere on the internet? I've been...
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    Whats worse- Fallout 1 and 2 elitists or Fallout 3 fanboy kids?

    I've noticed there's a ton of people who only played fallout 3 and claim to be the biggest fans of fallout. And they believe things like the brotherhood of steel are the main part of the series or they don't even know a thing about the originals. They tend to dismiss fallout 1 and 2 as old...