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  1. 5545Trey

    Microplastics in the Air and in Your Food

    For the past several months now, I've been aware of microplastics contaminating pretty much everything and everyone. Rather than write a long essay about (already somewhat wrote one in another forum, though it was much shorter than I wanted), here's this video to get the gist of what these...
  2. 5545Trey

    Fallout 4 Is Better Than You Think

    This is somewhat of a sequel to Jon's "Fallout 3 Is Better Than You Think". While the structure is similar, he outlines different aspects of Fallout 4. Surprised there hasn't been a thread on this yet, since this was uploaded on Sept, 27 — over a year ago. He also released a follow-up (Oct...
  3. 5545Trey

    Fallout 2: Game Crashes while visting New Reno

    For some reason, going back to New Reno after installing the Vault 13 Voice Module causes the game to crash. I don't know what the problem is; I haven't killed anyone except for the Chop Shop crew and Renesco (I killed them before I brought the Module, by the way). Does anyone know a workaround...
  4. 5545Trey

    20 Years of Fallout; 5 Years of Playing Fallout

    Fallout has come along a way. It is absolutely shocking to see this series turn 20 years old today. I will admit, while I have not played the first Fallout game in months, I enjoyed the replay value of the game because of the choices you could make, and a story which never outstayed its welcome...
  5. 5545Trey

    Replacing an Original Xbox DVD Drive

    Three months ago, I decided to dismantle my Xbox (about 9 years since I have played the system). Of course, like all systems, the inside was filled with dust, but everything else seemed to be in good condition, so I took out the Thompson DVD Drive, but had a hard time trying to screw it with the...
  6. 5545Trey

    Idiocy at its finest.

    Today, I am going to show extreme levels of human stupidityto everyone here. This is not about YouTube (though it is known for havingintellectually handicapped people, and I will also post some YouTube links just to show you all the comments that were posted on those videos), this is about the...
  7. 5545Trey

    90-year old man arrested for feeding the homeless. When I read or hear about stories that makes me facepalm to human stupidity, I think to myself: "This cannot get any worse. It just... cannot." When I hear about these stories, I utterly lose faith in people...
  8. 5545Trey

    Increasing fps in Quake 3 without lowering quality

    Whenever I start the tutorial, the game runs at around 1-2fps. I tried to look up how to increase the framerate, but none of the websites that I searched seems to work. I have no idea how my computer can run games such as L4D, Half-Life, etc, with ease but not an Arena Shooter that was released...
  9. 5545Trey

    Revival of Arena Shooters?

    Recently, this month, I saw some a video of a called Reflex, and once I saw movement physics of the game, I became very hype. And last night, I saw a trailer of another game that I think will bring back the FPS Arena Shooter genre that has been abandoned for years (Halo being one of the only FPS...
  10. 5545Trey

    Do you need to play a game to know how fast-paced it is?

    So what do you think, yes or no?
  11. 5545Trey

    Tips on making LP's on Consoles?

    I am planning on making a LP's for some games for the original Xbox and the Xbox 360. Here are some things that I need: A dazzle (I just need a cheap, quality one) Microphone (will any microphone do?) Video editor Any help would be appreciated.
  12. 5545Trey

    Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition application error

    I have recently downloaded the Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, and right after I clicked the application, a message error occurred. It said "You have signed out of the BeamDog Player." What does this mean, and why do I need the 'BeamDog Player' in order to start the game?
  13. 5545Trey

    The Elder Scrolls II Daggerfall: What is the appeal of this game

    Seriously, what is the appeal of a buggy, glitchy, difficulty unplayable game? I first play Daggerfall back in 2012, I was used to what it threw at me in terms of difficulty and combat, but the size of each dungeon and the many bugs and glitches that I would encounter every 30 seconds was just...
  14. 5545Trey

    How much idiocy can one person take before they finally snap?

    The stupidity that is displayed on YouTube is enough to make me snap, but since this is the internet, stupidity tends to be the most common part about it. Anyway, back to the question at hand. How much idiocy can one take before going insane?
  15. 5545Trey

    Any music that is similar to this?

    I am looking for more music that can capture the philosophy and consciousnesses of these three songs. It can be any genre, (Electronic Dance Music and Modern American Pop Music being the exceptions) but I am most interest in finding conscious and philosophical rap/hip hop songs. I could have...
  16. 5545Trey

    Arcanum vs Fallout

    Which game is the superior title to you?
  17. 5545Trey

    I have some issues with the game Age of Decadence.

    1. In many walkthroughs of the game, the female sex (sex and gender are not the same thing, and do not ask me why) is displayed on the character creation menu, but the option to play as a female was not present when I clicked on New Game. Only the male sex was playable. 2. The game runs slowly...
  18. 5545Trey

    Is there an anime that is even more disgusting than Boku no Pico?

    And yes, I have seen many Hentai, but this has to be the nastiest series that I had ever come across.