Search results

  1. Ben Soto

    Ataribox: New Details Revealed As far as I can tell, it's running a custom AMD processor as well as a full version of Linux (though which distro is still not known.) It's interesting to say the least, but I'm a little wary of the price. It's...
  2. Ben Soto

    What is the weirdest game you've ever played?

    For me, it would have to be Armed & Delirious (also known as Granny, GrannyX, and Dementia, depending on where you lived.) After seeing Ross Scott cover it for the Game Dungeon, I tried it out and... sheesh. It's a weird game.
  3. Ben Soto

    Favorite and least favortie retcons?

    There are a lot of retcons in Fallout 4, for good and for ill. I'm interested in knowing what the general opinion of particular retcons are; if there are ones that are liked or disliked. For example, I really like the way Power Armor is handled as opposed to the rather bland use of it in Fallout...
  4. Ben Soto

    Fallout 4: My First Impressions

    I'm eight hours into F4 and have come to an important realization. It doesn't suck. That doesn't sound like a whole lot, but I was expecting a layer of immense bullshit as opposed to a decent open-world FPS with RPG, survival and city builder elements. The problem I have, primarily, is with...
  5. Ben Soto

    Starting a Let's Play of New Vegas, what mods should I go for?

    Title says it all. I'm LPing New Vegas and I want to know what mods to go for. Anybody got any suggestions? Here's my current modlist. -FOMM -NVSE -NVAC -NV 4gb Patch -Mod Configuration Menu -Mission Mojave -oHUD -XRE - CARS! -Weapons of the New Millenia -Integration - Couriers Stash -Power...
  6. Ben Soto

    What's your guilty pleasure game?

    What's that game that, by all accounts, should suck but managed to somehow still be fun to you, even when everyone else around you wouldn't stop complaining about it. For me, it's Skyrim. For all it's flaws, I think it's a great game, yet I know it's very obviously flawed. It's got a shitty...
  7. Ben Soto

    What do you want for the SPECIAL system in Fallout 5?

    What do you want for SPECIAL in the next Fallout game? MY IDEA -Return to the original system for statistics. You assign all your SPECIAL points at the beginning of the game and you have to either use a perk or get an implant to increase them. -Ditch the point-based skill system and go for a...
  8. Ben Soto

    NCR vs. Caesar's Legion : Who Will Win?

    The question is two-fold. Firstly, without the Courier's intervention, who wins The Second Battle of Hoover Dam? Secondly, who wins the war? The first one is obvious. The Legion has countless operations in the West that will utterly cripple the NCR's operation in the Mojave, while the NCR is...
  9. Ben Soto

    Running Fallout 1 at low resolutions?

    I'm forced to use a 1024x600 screen at the moment and I want to replay Fallout 1. Is there a way to get the game to work at such low resolutions?
  10. Ben Soto

    Writing a Wanderer's Diary-style journal for Courier 6, need some character ideas

    I'm writing a journal for the Courier, but I need some character ideas. I was thinking of going with a Good Karma, NCR-aligned Guns/Speech/Sneak sniper of sorts who was a former NCR soldier. She'd probably go for Boone or Raul as her companion and do as many pro-NCR and anti-Legion quests and...
  11. Ben Soto

    A d20-based Post-Apocalyptic Pen-N'-Paper RPG

    So, in light of NMA trying to make it's own PnP RPG, I decided to throw out an idea for how it should be structured; that being a system based loosely on the d20 system used in D&D Fifth Edition. To that end, I've decided to start writing my own d20-based system. If anyone has any input, I'd be...
  12. Ben Soto

    Fallout 3 - Review (2008 - X360) If you're not willing to click the link; tl;dr this game is worse than ass cancer.
  13. Ben Soto

    The Icarus Experiment - A New Video Game Review Source

    For many years, I've toyed with the idea of forming my own site to review video games. Well, good job Ben, because I finally went through with it. Here is... The Icarus Experiment. Yes. That name is totally horrible. No, I do not care. The site, as it stands, is mostly about video game...
  14. Ben Soto

    A Fallout 4 Total Conversion: What Would Need To Be Done

    So, Chris Avellone recently tweeted that he believes the odds of Bethesda giving the license to Fallout to someone else, especially Obsidian, aren't very high. And you know what I said? Fuck that shit! We're No Mutants Allowed! We'll make a Fallout game that's just as good as New Vegas! A true...
  15. Ben Soto

    Reddit Gems - Post-Atomic Anthropology: Enclave vs. Mutants

    I've decided that I'm going to start a new series of posts where I feature something that's a little bit more intelligent than what you usually see on the Fallout subreddits, then respond with my own thoughts. Today, we have a redditor named flashman7870, who has decided to compare the "pure"...
  16. Ben Soto

    Are the Originals... Overrated?

    dun dun DUNNNN! Personally, I feel Fallout 1 and 2 are overrated. I liked Fallout 1, but I don't agree that it's this all-mighty example of a perfect RPG, and Fallout 2... Let's just say I have choice words about Fallout 2. Namely; FUCK. THAT. GAME. Both games suffer from poor graphics (even...
  17. Ben Soto

    Isometric TBRPG or New Vegas-styled FPSRPG?

    The title is really all you need. Which would be better for the next Fallout game? I personally feel keeping with an FPSRPG style would be the best course of action. I liked Fallout 1, but it's gameplay was absolutely horrible. Meanwhile, NV and (from what people seem to be saying) Fallout 4...
  18. Ben Soto

    [Serious] Fallout 4 DLC Ideas

    Since the other topic here is just a big joke, let's talk about some serious ideas for DLC. Just plop whatever you think would be a fun and interesting DLC. IMHO, I wouldn't mind a DLC on the Moon, but they'd have to take it seriously. You move slower. You need to refill your air every once in...
  19. Ben Soto

    Reddit: Fallout 4 Was A Good Thing What do you think? I personally think it's farfetched and just wishful thinking, but if this was the plan all along, then that's pretty interesting
  20. Ben Soto

    Fallout 2's Plot has Failed

    I just realized how stupid Fallout 2's plot is. Now, before you strap me to a stick and roast me in sacrifice to the great and powerful Black Isle, here me out. As always, you are free to have your own opinion. In mine, however, the entire premise of Fallout 2 is a total failure. For those who...