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  1. Big No

    The Salt Factory - Was Fallout 3 as good as I remember?

    More or less, TSF is going through Fallout 3 after not playing it for quite some time and recounting his experiences. TSF does appear to throw shade at the game a few times, like karma system or Hannibal Hamlin's line of thinking, and most notably Rivet City's design. He also goes after the MQ...
  2. Big No

    Fallout 3 Is Better Than You Think - Many A True Nerd

    Interesting video regarding some of Fallout 3's minor strength's here and there. Not major strength's mind you, he's not saying stuff like F3 is explicitly better than NV, in fact I think he said somewhere he prefers NV, but bringing up some of the things we may overlook about the game's...
  3. Big No

    Possible reveal of Half-Life 2: Episode 3's plot

    Today, Marc Laidlaw who was an author of the Half-Life franchise released what could be possibly the story that was made for Half-Life 2 Episode 3 on his blog. This version is with all the proper names inserted...
  4. Big No

    Return to Sierra Madre via Save Editing?

    This is a question based on the console version of New Vegas compared to the PC version. Obviously on PC, you could just noclip or mod your way back. Console, plain as day, does not have the same luxury. But it may be possible to get back there and that's why I'm asking this. I've played...
  5. Big No

    What if I told you Todd Howard invented Fallout? Apparently Todd Howard created the Fallout franchise.
  6. Big No

    Official Nuka World Trailer Released

  7. Big No

    Fallout N.V. V.E. Issue

    So I'm giving this save editor a try and it says that it supports all of New Vegas's DLCs. DM, HH, OWB, and GRA are working fine but I can't seem to find anything in the save editor for Lonesome Road. The DLC in my game is fine so it's not that it's messed up. Nothing for Lonesome Road even...
  8. Big No

    Elder Scrolls Online $1 million prize

    Apparently on February 1st, one player of ESO will win $50,000 for twenty years culminating to $1 million. Odd considering I wouldn't consider ESO a success, seems more like a way to get more players for a game that was just another MMO. Just wondering what others feel about this...
  9. Big No

    Fallout 4 Achievement list

    Twitter user by the name of Fallout4Intel has apparently found the achievement list. Possible spoilers.