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  1. Kiryans5

    CleveLand Nation

    So, i built my own fallout nation on the other thread, but it had so much detail that i MUST make a separate thread about it. And i got an idea, why won't you help me complete it? i will be adding details, such as better ideology, more chronological facts, etc. But you can help with it! Write...
  2. Kiryans5

    Need van buren grp manager

    Soooo... Nobody have wanted to move my thread from help to here, so I'll ask again: I need van buren .grp manager, but it seems that it was deleted from every resource available (including nma archive)
  3. Kiryans5

    Need van buren GRP manager

    Title says it all...Looks like it was deleted from everywhere (inlcuding nma arcive)
  4. Kiryans5

    Fallout 2 box template needed

    Hi everybody, I need some help... I'm very poor person (I live in a dumpster near nuclear reactor :() So I can't afford fo2 full set (disc in jewelbox, cardboard box and manual) So i want to ask you for something... I need a template of fallout 2 cardboard box, I'm going to make a "replica" of...
  5. Kiryans5

    The random dweller

    I DUNNO HOW THIS THREAD WILL LIVE, THIS IS AN EXPERIMENTAL RP THREAD! Hi! Welcome to the maybe first random rp on NMA, In this thread there are almost no rules,so any s**t like: *used an epic plasmalaserepicultrarifle that fell off the sky on [PLAYERNAME]* is accepted here! So,have fun!
  6. Kiryans5

    Camera angle

    Hi The question is simply : what camera angle is needed to make FO anims/props/etc?
  7. Kiryans5

    HELP!!!Sfall modding help needed(Hero appearance mod)!!!

    Hello! Today i need help with Sfall 3.5.7... Hero appearance mod to be exact,I want to make a ghoul race with all needed FRM's (WIP),But...What do i need to do to make my mod working?Because smething tells me that it won't be just rename XXSPRITENAME.FRM to _XXSPRITENAME.FRM... Any help will do :D!
  8. Kiryans5

    REQUEST: Fallout 1 Locations mod.

    Hi there :). Today i have a very...Unusal request... You see...When I have played FO1 I really liked Junktown,Hub,And some other cities... So here's the question: Why theese locations haven't appeared in FO2? It'd be good to drive to a Hub on your classy nuclear Highwayman :)... Or to visit a...
  9. Kiryans5

    Fallout 2 Need modding help please!!!

    Hi there! Today I have only 2 questions (For now:wiggle:) 1) I have converted WAV file to ACM through wav2acm,but in the game I have a strange problem... You see...My music is kinda faster than normal,so it's sounds differently than I need:puppy-dog:. Any idea why is that happening and how to...