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  1. Mutant Screg

    Name the worst song by your favorite band/musician

    I'll start: Pressed Flowers by Jack Stauber
  2. Mutant Screg

    Fallout 1 BoS aggroed after returning from blowing up Mariposa?

    I never attacked any of the paladins given to me for backup. They all used their collective brain cell to blow themselves up like 20 minutes in so there's no way I accidentally attacked them and became an enemy that way. Could it be because I technically murdered the Children in the vat control...
  3. Mutant Screg

    Does multiplayer have a place in single-player RPGs?

    CD Projekt Red's announcement of a multiplayer mode for Cyberpunk 2077 would have worried me much more had it not been confirmed to be a post-launch goal. Being post-launch, it shouldn't be a detriment at all to (initial) the development of the core game. But I can't help but wonder how much (if...
  4. Mutant Screg

    Gun to your head, would you rather fuck piccolo or vegeta

    green dad dick down OR manlet w/ attitude
  5. Mutant Screg

    What kind of job(s) did you work in high school?

    I might be cheating since I'm still a senior atm, but I've already worked a couple of part time jobs. I was a busser for most of my junior year and then just this July I got a job at a movie theater. The theater pays like shit (minimum wage) but it's a lot more fun than I ever had bussing at a...
  6. Mutant Screg

    Fallout 1 mod Anyone have any interest in seeing Scrapheap reintroduced?

    For those that don't know, the Fallout beta featured a town called Scrapheap. It looks a lot like Junktown and might even be an early concept of it, except for the fact that people in Scrapheap directly mention Junktown as a separate entity. Now, if there's enough interest in it, I'm planning on...
  7. Mutant Screg

    Redeeming qualities of the Enclave?

    I was disappointed by them in Fallout 3 due to them coming off as generic and cartoonishly evil. When I replayed Fallout 2, however, I realized that they're actually very similar. I don't recall ever NOT wanting to just kill them all. Perhaps I missed something in the game that would help me...
  8. Mutant Screg

    Exactly how large is the NCR's sphere of influence?

    Obviously they have most of California, perhaps a chunk of Baja California and a decent amount of territory further east into the Mojave, but where else have they spread? I imagine that they would at least try to head up north a little bit into Oregon and perhaps even Washington. I like to think...
  9. Mutant Screg

    In what way (if any) has playing fallout changed your life

    Not very significant, but my I taught my friends how to play Caravan and it's become a staple on game nights now. They still don't know it's from a video game.
  10. Mutant Screg

    What's the biggest thing you ever got away with?

    I was (and still am) a pretty lax guy, so the only thing I can think of doing is pretty tame compared to some things. I was staying with a friend and his family in Albuquerque. Anyway we went to Jack in the Box and bought like three bags full of tacos. Since I hadn't had Jack in years, I went...
  11. Mutant Screg

    Hunt for the Wolf Pack [Part 1]

    Ryan shouldered his pack and moved on. As he walked, the burned down houses on either side of him appeared more and more sparingly. The smell of smoke still clung to the air, although the majority of town was now down wind of him. Fire had ravaged the small town recently, a week or two ago at...
  12. Mutant Screg

    Custom NPC appearance is reset after restarting the GECK?

    To clarify, I'm using the GECK for FNV. Anyway, basically it went like this: I created a new plugin, began creating a custom NPC, used an NPC I got from a mod as a template for its appearance (Heroes of the Apocalypse), and when I save and exit his appearance and inventory are reset. As far as...
  13. Mutant Screg

    Would it be at all feasible to recreate Fallout 1 & 2 as 3D isometric games?

    To my surprise, there are little or no mods that improve the over all look of the in-game sprites beyond resolution fixes. This makes me question whether or not a graphical overall would even be possible, due to the game using sprites rather than models. There's only so much you can do to make...
  14. Mutant Screg

    The Forgotten Titan [Part 1]

    I tied the coarse rope around myself and a nearby valve. I tugged. It would hold for a little while. Rappelling down the seemingly bottomless pit, I glanced up at the light radiating from the world outside the old factory as it receded further and further, until finally it faded completely. I...
  15. Mutant Screg

    What food do you eat that everyone else thinks is weird?

    For me it's peanutbutter on waffles w/ syrup. I thought everyone did it until I brought it up in class one day, then I was labeled as a mutant the rest of the year.
  16. Mutant Screg

    Trudging Ever Onward

    Note: Very new writer. Constructive criticism and other general comments would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. My name was Jonah Williams, but everyone just calls me Bronn nowadays. I didn't pick it, but it's fitting, to say the least. What the fuck else do you call hired muscle? But I digress...
  17. Mutant Screg

    Anybody looking to get a Fallout PnP game going?

    I have no experience whatsoever with these types of things, but I'm really eager to check it out.
  18. Mutant Screg

    What are your favorite types of game runs?

    I'm talking iron man, speed run, etc. Just beat Fallout 1 for the first time, and before replaying Fallout 2 I want to replay the original once more. But I want to do something different, to make the run memorable. So, any ideas?
  19. Mutant Screg


    Note: I got bored so I wrote this. Just a precaution, it reads sort of more like a textbook than an actual story, so that keep that in mind. Also, I'm tired as fuck, so please excuse all of my grammatical mistakes. Any feedback would be appreciated, whether it be criticism, general comments, or...
  20. Mutant Screg

    Anyone know what happened to recreation of Fallout 1 in Gamebryo?

    A while ago I heard of a modder or group of modders working on a project entailing the reconstruction of Fallout 1 inside of the Gamebryo engine. It was basically a massive Fallout 3 overhaul IIRC. Has there been any recent news about that? I assume the project was abandoned, but I'd just like...