Search results

  1. Skelok

    Thoughts on the Borderlands franchise?

    I recently bought the Borderlands games and have been having a lot of fun, so I was curious as to what you guys think of the franchise. What do you think of it in general? Is Borderlands better than Borderlands 2 or vice versa? What do you want in Borderlands 3? Just say whatever comes to mind.
  2. Skelok

    Which celebrity would you bang

    The age old question with many good answers. I'm sure we've all thought about it. Bonus points for posting a picture. I'll start - Anna Kendrick
  3. Skelok

    Interview the person below you

    Rules of the thread - Answer the questions asked to you. Ask 3-5 questions to the next poster. Questions can be recycled. Answers can be as brief or elaborate as you like. I'll start with a few generic questions - What kind of music do you listen to? What do you do for a living? What would...
  4. Skelok

    First Person Shooter or Isometric Turn Based?

    Would you rather the next Fallout game follow the FPS trend, or return to its Isometric roots? Explain your answer.
  5. Skelok

    MSPaint Drawings Thread

    Draw a character from the Fallout franchise from memory (or not) in MSpaint. I'll start us off with Robert House
  6. Skelok

    Your favorite parts of Fallout 4?

    Fallout 4 gets a lot of hate on this forum, and do I agree with a lot of it, but I'd just like to hear what NMA actually liked about Fallout 4. What did you personally end up enjoying? Is there anything most people hate that you ended up liking?
  7. Skelok

    Fallout 4 - Why Details Matter

    This is an unlisted video posted by Bethesda's YouTube account. It includes new commentary and some new gameplay. Thoughts? Let me know if your having any problems watching the video.