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  1. Dr Fallout

    Online PnP Setting Poll

    To revitalize this site I'm thinking of having an online PnP game on Roll20. It's a free way of running an online PnP game, and I've had some positive responses to this. I'm fine with running it (though there I don't have any mics... so yeah, text only and visuals only GM) but if anyone is...
  2. Dr Fallout

    Veni, Vidi, Vici: A Fallout Doomsday AAR

    Chapter 1: The Wasteland It is the year 2245, and Caesar's empire has only just began with the conquest of the seven major tribes based in Arizona. Through the use of total war, intimidation and cunning he has been able to utterly dominate the tribes, taking their land and manpower to fuel his...
  3. Dr Fallout

    Colonial Africa RPGs

    I've always been entranced with the idea of making an RPG set in darkest Africa during the 19th century, when it was only just being explored and full of legendary beasts, cannibalistic tribes and cruel slavers (well according to the Europeans). Imagine exploring the jungle, savanna and...
  4. Dr Fallout

    Fallout PnP Rules #456566

    After posting vague comments on my idea, I think it's time I wrote it out and made it a reality. It's made for simple play and no levelling up, so you may not like some aspects of it. Not to forget I'm not exactly trying to capture the feel of SPECIAL or perks. I want this to be made mainly for...
  5. Dr Fallout

    Fallout 1 BOS

    This is a thread for the long dead brotherhood, the original and the best. This is a place where we can discuss the virtues and flaws of the Original BOS presented in Fallout 1, which was to me the best representation of the Brotherhood to date. They had clear monastic traditions, a cool base...
  6. Dr Fallout

    Christian Reviews

    These are the scourge of all critical reviewing, bringing their doctrine and ignorance to games that do better without them. They aim to ruin perfectly good and well written games by censoring anything that doesn't fit their Christian view, meaning that many Christians that read them are shooed...
  7. Dr Fallout

    Legion Appreciation Thread

    Please tell me I'm not the only person here who likes the Legion? If I'm not please feel free to post what you like about the Legion, or not. I'm willing to respond, hell make a debate if you want.
  8. Dr Fallout

    Poll: Which New Vegas DLC is the best?

    As we look at Fallout 4's flaws and various failures let us go back to the game that proves that a first person view and a real time combat system can work with a well written and designed story and world, as is Fallout: New Vegas. New Vegas breathed life into the franchise we thought Bethesda...
  9. Dr Fallout

    Total War: Good strategy game?

    Before you get the wrong impression I absolutely love the Total War series, finding them a fun way to pass the time. However since getting them after some strong suggestions, I have always wondered that is the series really a good strategy game? Now I'm not arguing if it's a good game or not (I...
  10. Dr Fallout


    Call me crazy, call me insane but he's the only good character in the whole fucking game. He's interesting, funny and original (in my knowledge) and frankly is what Fallout 4 isn't, GOOD. So yeah, if you like Codsworth say so here, but I would love to hear problems with him and issues. Oh and...
  11. Dr Fallout

    Independance Reign

    So basically write down as detailed or simple as you want it, what you did post-game in the Independance ending. The ending is the most open ended, as it's basically you are the ruler hence being great for role playing. Whatever happens next is entirely up to you, and it would be interesting to...
  12. Dr Fallout

    Preview of Fallout 4

    I was looking around the web, reading some articles when I found this... this monstrosity of an article. Read it at your own mental health risk, it will either make you feel pretty pissed off or as stupid as a Brahmin. For those who...
  13. Dr Fallout

    Fallout: the Table-Top Game

    Yes you read the title, a Fallout table top game in the vein of Warhammer. While it doesn't exist yet, I had an idea to make a Necromunda (for those who aren't in the know, a smaller, more RPGish table top game where you have a small gang not army) influenced rules. Not for profit obviously...
  14. Dr Fallout

    Skyrim doesn't work

    No this is not about how buggy the game is (though it is very buggy) but more of how Skyrim, the country and place cannot realistically sustain itself from the war, dragons and the various bandits and tombs scattered around the land. I'll be pointing out massive flaws in world design and how...
  15. Dr Fallout

    Fallout 1 Music: Pure Genius

    I only have to boot up Fallout and hear the ambient, yet haunting tones of Mark Morgan's masterpieces. His music in Fallout 1 are the perfect line between ambient sound and music, capturing the theme of each area by having music and various sounds that fit, such as sirens and the squeaking of...
  16. Dr Fallout

    Fallout 3 review

    This guy got it right. Have a read of his review. He also reviewed some other games.
  17. Dr Fallout

    Vault 11

    I have been pondering on making a story driven text based game, set in the world of Fallout. You may wonder what a text based game is, well it's very simple. It's a game that relies on text and sometimes images to convey a story that you interact with and influence depending on how it allows you...
  18. Dr Fallout

    Vaults: Are they really crazy?

    After considerate thinking I have come to the conclusion, that vaults are not that bad and depraved as many know. While they ARE social experiments, we have a little proof that they are evil and cruel as many know. Their was certainly some contreversial ones, such as Bakersfield but the only...
  19. Dr Fallout

    Fallout Zero

    So after looking at good mods for Fallout 3 (I still have it... after modding the shit out of it as a casual thrill, hey I ain't perfect!) I found one called Fallout Zero, set two months after the bombs fell. Looks interesting, especially due to the fact it's going to be more of a survival based...
  20. Dr Fallout

    Fallout 2 alternate endings

    Pretty much what endings did you choose for Fallout 2? There are plenty of different options, favouring one side or the other. Were you the bastard of the wastes or the hero? So in this creative writing project you can take the endings of your Fallout 2 character and expand, adding details...