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  1. Radiosity

    Ghouls Hate Hancock - Better than FO4 in every way

  2. Radiosity

    *gasp* MrMattysPlays being critical of Bethesda?

    Never thought I'd see the day, though you can hear the damage control near the end, lol.
  3. Radiosity

    Fallout Score - A Fallout 4 Parody Adventure

    I've been writing a dramatization of a Fallout 4 play-through, partly for fun, partly to address some of the more moronic parts of that game in a way that, while completely nonsensical and silly, still manages to make more sense than what Bethesda actually gave us. I just put a new chapter up...
  4. Radiosity

    MATN plays New Vegas JSawyer mod survival mode

    Dis gun be gud.
  5. Radiosity

    New patch adds to main menu

    Well, it's now officially been added in the 1.5 update, a mods section in the main menu that goes to and requires a login. Honestly super surprised to see that they're actually disabling cheevos and trophies if you use mods, Bethesda normally don't give a crap about stuff like that...
  6. Radiosity

    Reconstructing Fallout 3 Retrospective Series

    I've been writing a retrospective series on Fallout 3 for a while, which went on hiatus for a time due to reasons I don't feel like going into. I'm back to it now and have just put up a new post (Part 12) today, so here it is if you feel like reading. Basically I'm looking at Fallout 3's world...
  7. Radiosity

    Fallout 5 Predictions Thread (with EXPLOSIONS!)

    edit: Oops, forgot there's a future Fallout discussion forum. Pls move this there, I apparently can't move my own thread once it's posted. (Looked around and didn't see anything identical to this, apologies if there actually is one) Anyway, I'm bored and feel like depressing myself with how...
  8. Radiosity

    New Vegas DLC-sized Mod: Autumn Leaves

    Looks promising: Screw Fallout 4, I'm off back to Vegas :)