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  1. C

    NPC cought red handed. Punching with a tommy gun.

    I knew it! Those pesky NPCs; secretly pulling all kinds of shenanigans. So... I have been writing the hit chance portion of my mod, and ran into a very peculiar crash, where my script worked for a few minutes, then stopped posting any messages. The script kept throwing warnings about attack...
  2. C

    Problems in critical table

    Since I've been doing the damage mod I've had to pay close attention to the critical table. I've examined it quite well. One of the modules I've written works by reverse lookup to get the critical level based on other parameters (since critical level is not available as a parameter to read...
  3. C

    Working on a combat overhaul project (FO2)

    Reason for me asking so many questions lately, I am working on a project to do a number of things. I'll skip the explanations and whys (later) and give you the really short version. I was unhappy with the damage mod formula, and looked for a fix. Examined the different solutions (glovz, YAAM)...
  4. C

    Various modding questions

    I have a bunch of Qs which I'd appreciate your help with. Keeping them in one thread for cleanliness. 1. If there is a procedure called procedure_1 in Script_1.ssl, and there is another procedure also called procedure_1 in another script file called Script_2.ssl, will they interfere with each...
  5. C

    Help setting up SSL scripting properly

    Hey guys. I wanna get setup to do SSL scripting but have forgotten how to do it properly, and things may have been updated. How do I get setup properly in 2020? I have found the Sfall Script Editor v4.1.6 here , is this what I should use (latest)? I remember having to get a bunch of other...
  6. C

    A thank you to the modders here

    I bought this game in 1998 on a bootlegged CD in high school from a friend, yeah those were the days, when you didn't have a CD burner in your PC yet, and it wasn't called a PC. Through the years I've come back again and again to this game and its community and scoped things out. I've coma back...
  7. C

    Help with modding the damage formula (FO2)

    Hello. I've been trying to mod the combat formula for a while, but given my limited understanding of programming and FO2 modding, its been difficult. Can anybody help me with some questions? NovaRain just pointed me to this page in this post which is a damage formula. Now I thought this was...
  8. C

    Fallout 2 Modding: Quick Question / Answer Thread

    This type of thread is a really good idea to have in any modding forum, so I am making it. Its only 15 years too late, but better late than never! :) All small questions can go in here, so that there aren't a 100 threads addressing small subjects. Also easier for people to read, all in one...
  9. C

    Fallout 2: How is burst damage calculated?

    Hello everyone. I'm aware of the damage formula, but In particular I want to know how multiple bullets are added within the formula. Does each bullet go through the whole formula separately and then they all get added together once they've gone through the formula separately? or do the bullets...
  10. C

    Fallout 2 weapons hidden characteristic thread

    Hello guys. A little help here. I have looked everywhere for days to try to find everything there is to know about hidden weapon characteristics in fallout 2 and just have not been able to find certain answers. I found no thread dedicated to this subject anywhere, on any forum. So I...