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  1. Femic

    Fallout 2 utility Femics Fallout 2 Modding Guide

    Hello NMA. I would like to present you my recently started project - Fallout 2 Modding Guide. My goal is to gather every knowledge ever released about Fallout 2 modding at one place. The guide is still a draft and far away from being complete. I think it will always be work in progress...
  2. Femic

    Femics Questions & Answers Q&A

    Hi all, why should I use the keyword export variable and import variable? Are they any advantages opposite to LVAR MVAR and GVAR? Let's assume I do this: ScriptA.ssl export variable C C := 99; ScriptB.ssl import variable C Will variable C contain value 99 after importing it? Thanks and...
  3. Femic

    Header files not included into script but nevertheless used?

    Hi all, if you open ACKLINT.SSL located in the BIS Mapper scripts you'll see this: #include "..\headers\define.h" //#include "..\headers\<TownName.h>" #define NAME SCRIPT_ACKLINT #define TOWN_REP_VAR (GVAR_TOWN_REP_ARROYO) #include "..\headers\command.h" #include...
  4. Femic

    Fallout 2 utility BIS Mapper | The easiest way of testing my own scripts

    Hi all, I manipulated some scripts delivered with the BIS Mapper and now I want to try if they work. When I want to assign a critter a maniupalted script unfortunately I cannot choose any scripts in the BIS Mapper. It seems the Mapper gets all scripts out of the master.dat file lying in my...
  5. Femic

    Decision difficulties in what Engine to mod

    Hi there, I got curios about Fallout & Arcanum modding a long time ago but it never has taken off correctly. Back then I helped the guys of the Zero-Project out here and there but I never got really involved in things. My question now is that I want to start Fallout modding properly but I...